OK, no more maltodextrin, no more bloating, that stuff is a thing of the pass. You want real carbohydrate supplementation when looking for high glycemic carbs, well here it is. PN has included waxy maize, potato starch, and dextrose in an easily mixing (perfect in a shaker cup) formula that is different that the rest. How so? Carbogen, a digestive enzyme for aiding in carbohydrate absorption and digestion is added in the mix as well. We didnt stop there though. You have to get the carbs from the bloodstream to the cells (muscles) as fast as possible. Sure Carbogen helps, but why stop there. We added banaba leaf powder to the mix as well. Banaba leaf powder is all-natural and medical experts tout its ability to mimic insulin and lower blood sugar. PN also assures you of ZERO BLOATING with CarboSLIN...tested and verified with our MMA guys who actually used it to hydrate and carb up after weighing in at their latest fights.

Check it out here and its only $5.00 per lb, 10 sevings lb.