I thought I would give you some feedback on research with peptides that I have been doing over the past couple of weeks. I ordered Mod and GHRP-2 from our sponsor, Evolved Research Supply . It arrived quickly and upon initial research, I found it to be legit.

Over the past couple of weeks, my protocol has been either 3x or 4x/day at saturation doses. Without changing anything dietarily, I have experienced a mild amount of fat loss. However, it is notable that I have also seen no change in the numbers on the scale. Muscles feel more full (i.e., glycogen retention).

Post workout recovery has been enhanced significantly. Soreness that would usually last for days, dissipates quickly. There has been a healing effect on my shoulder. It is still not 100%, but the pain during chest press movements is significantly reduced and the post workout pain and inflammation no longer exists, or at least to any troubling degree.

It is still early, but at this time, I have not experienced any side effects from this protocol.

I just wanted to give you guys some information on my recent results, but if you have further questions, please ask.