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    Super Moderator Feedback Score 0 burlyman30's Avatar
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    I Love Steroids...

    Funny title, I know, especially since I haven't used illegal AAS in a very very long time. I was thinking back to my youth (medieval times, lol) and remembering about my first introduction to the world of steroids and how I came to be familiar with them. This story may bore you to tears, or it may be interesting. I can't sleep tonight, so I decided to write something.

    I started training at age 14. I was a frail 95 lb kid. I found the weight room my freshman year of highschool and it was a magical world to me, where I answered to no one but myself, and my results were determined only by me. I began to see strength and size results. Not dramatic ones, but they were steady.

    Three years into my training, I had gained about 50 lbs and then dieted down for my very first BBing contest. I had immersed myself in all things BBing. Diet, training, and even the specifics of precontest nutrition. I competed at a whopping 132 lbs, but I was ripped. I took third. I trophied, and I was ecstatic. It further fueled my passion.

    Now, all along, I had been steroid free and PH free. PHs didn't exist back in the mid 80s. But steroids also were not a controlled substance, either. If you obtained them illegally, it was the same as illegally obtaining any other non-controlled prescription drug.

    It was at about this time, that I had made friends in the BBing community and one of my fellow competitors "blew up" in size. The "newest thing" supplement-wise, was yohimbe, and he told me it was from that. I was just getting acquainted with what steroids were and what they did, but I wasn't wise enough to realize this guy was lying to me. I always had the idea that replacing hormones were "bad" but enhancing your own body's ability to produce more hormones was "ok".

    Over the next couple of years I learned more, trained hard, ate enormous amounts of food, stayed steroid-free, and continued to compete quite successfully in my area. This time period is what I consider the prime era for bodybuilding. Gyms were full, every gym had upcoming contest posters plastered on their walls, and many people had an interest in competing. The different weight classes and age divisions were jam packed with competitors, most of whom were not using steroids in my assessment.

    I had gotten to the point after 5 years where I had gained about 65 lbs naturally and a decent amount of strength, but had been "stuck" for quite a while in the ability to gain mass. Additionally, I always lost substantial amounts of muscle each time I dieted down for a contest. I desperately needed to put more muscle on my frame in order to fill it out and become more competitive as I began choosing larger and more prestigious contests. And I needed to be able to retain that newly built mass while enduring extreme dieting practices.

    Around 1988/89, another competitive BBer friend of mine who was a regular steroid user gave me a packet of xeroxed pages one day after we had been discussing gear, or as we called it back then, "the juice". It was a turning point for me. What he gave me was a copy of "The Underground Steroid Handbook" by Dan Duchaine. This was full of information on every steroid that was either available commercially or through UGLs. And even some that were not available at all.

    I studied that book daily, mesmerized by this seemingly magical information. I eventually knew the information front to back. I spent countless hours devising endless combinations of these drugs for the "ultimate stack" based on the information I had learned. I was fascinated how very small changes in the atomic structure would entirely change the way a steroid would react once inside the body.

    I had seen the effects of steroid use on others in the gym, and was so impressed by the changes one could make in a short amount of time, both in strength and in size. I finally came to the conclusion that this would be what I would use in order to gain the additional size I needed to advance my competitive standing in the sport....

    End of Part One. Tell me if you want more

    EDIT: Below are links to the other installments if you want to skip the discussion between them.

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5

    Part 6

    Part 7

    Part 8
    Last edited by burlyman30; 12-19-2012 at 12:45 AM.
    All advice given is for entertainment value only. And it's free. Take it for what it's worth.

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