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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by ctAL View Post
    he put his full list buddy
    Thanks brother did not know he posted that sense the last time I logged in.

    LoL! I'm buying every fucking one. I'm taking my recovery to a whole new level. I'm going with the whole list so I am only hitting each herb once every three weeks. I Still have some clensing/recovering from fasts to do but I'll be ready soon enough.

    It's all falling in place now.
    Last edited by 5 alpha victim; 03-22-2015 at 04:50 PM.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pageidol View Post
    Hello there everybody. Before i start i really do like the website.

    Anyway, ive got myself in some awful trouble. Last year March i began takin what i thought were vitamins called hair life vitamins just for nicer head of hair i guess thinking nothing to it. I suddenly began experiencing testicular pain, swollen glands and for the first time in my life no morning erections, no libido and for the life of me i couldnt get an was insane!. After 3 weeks i worked out what was going on..they contained Saw Palmetto extract. I researched this herb and received a whole education on DHT, 5 alpha and the rest, i was shocked

    Two months later i was still struggling with erections. I began looking into T boosters. Fenugreek(testofen) was highly recommended to me and i did my own research. It sounded good testosterone increases and the rest. I began takin it. After a few weeks the same symptons arose which saw palmetto gave me. The worse thing was my flaccid penis shrunk, like having a cold shower all the time...bloody awful!! I couldnt believe it. I then researched into how fenugreek works....another DHT blocker! and it increases prolactin!!!

    By the end of august, my libido was dead, no random erections, no morning erections, shrunken flaccid, no zest for life, reduced ejactulate, numbness!! We are now in febuary and im no better off, ive began taking tongkat ali.

    My test levels are low around 11nmol. Im 28 years old.

    Has anyone else experienced this? More importanly has anybody recovered?

    Im worried sick hoping I havent caused any permanent damage but as of yet my system just hasnt normalised.

    I was absolutley fine 12 months ago.


    So messed up how many products are out there containing saw P. This stuff is crazy dangers and should be banned from every Sup store. Saw p Is actually what got me to in the same way this hair loss product got you. When I only 22 I took Avodart (prescription strength DHT inhibiter) and recovered from it. When I was 26 I found a product called Methyl Armitest which claimed to be a natural T booster and that's when I crashed hard core never to recover just like you. Turns out saw P was in methyl Armitest. So R experiences are very similar.

    What was the name of your hair loss sup u took?

    Follow cdnuts method. First u should go research his method on propecia help . Com.

    I'm still learning his method my self. Anything we can help each other with while figuring this thing out the better. We will get their. It's not a problem .

  3. #53
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    my pine pollen from surthrival came in today

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    This is my full list, if your curious.

    Pine Pollen
    Pine pollen extract
    Polyrhachis Ant Extract
    He Shou Wu
    Maral Root.
    Shilajit pitch
    Tongkat Ali
    Tribulus (liftmode)
    Muira puama
    Catauba bark
    Butea superba
    Suma root extract
    Royal jelly
    maca (macapro)

    Damn. When I look at it all typed out like that it's no surprise that my tank is brimming.

    I know this list is ridiculous as far as cost. But when you come from where I did, there is no cost too great. Bare minimum you need a weeks worth of herbs to cycle, so seven different herbs.(if you're on the weeks worth cycle you can only take each herb ONCE before moving on to the next one as you're only leaving a week between doses.) The results magnify when you go to a two week cycle and then magnify again when you hit three weeks. The longer you go between doses of one particular herb, the better and stronger the T hit will be. I worked my way up to the three week cycle I'm at now and its the best it's been, hands down.

    If you cycle like this with your diet and training in check, you're gonna be blown away. Another thing i want to mention is sleep. I've been sleeping like a baby. Rock solid down and out for 7-8 hours kind of sleep. This is only helping the situation.

    Best part for me is I don't have to have the down time that I did when i was cycling hormones. Let's face it, PCT always sucks compared to how you felt when you were on. With this system, I feel on all the time. AND, I never have to stop.
    Hi Cdnuts,

    Would you be able to expand on this list you put out there for everyone - really appreciate this list btw!!
    What I'm interested in knowing is how do you take each item on your list - for instance, I remember you saying you take Pine Pollen every day (2 teaspoons worth) and Royal Jelly, pre workout. Can you comment on the amounts and frequency, like do you take a specific herb once in the morning or multiple times throughout the day. If there's anything else you think I might worth knowing as well, please include.

    Thanks so much!

  5. #55
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Freepressright's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silverstrand View Post
    Hi Cdnuts,

    Would you be able to expand on this list you put out there for everyone - really appreciate this list btw!!
    What I'm interested in knowing is how do you take each item on your list - for instance, I remember you saying you take Pine Pollen every day (2 teaspoons worth) and Royal Jelly, pre workout. Can you comment on the amounts and frequency, like do you take a specific herb once in the morning or multiple times throughout the day. If there's anything else you think I might worth knowing as well, please include.

    Thanks so much!
    If you re-read this thread, he actually address all of that.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    This is my full list, if your curious.

    Pine Pollen
    Pine pollen extract
    Polyrhachis Ant Extract
    He Shou Wu
    Maral Root.
    Shilajit pitch
    Tongkat Ali
    Tribulus (liftmode)
    Muira puama
    Catauba bark
    Butea superba
    Suma root extract
    Royal jelly
    maca (macapro)

    Damn. When I look at it all typed out like that it's no surprise that my tank is brimming.

    I know this list is ridiculous as far as cost. But when you come from where I did, there is no cost too great. Bare minimum you need a weeks worth of herbs to cycle, so seven different herbs.(if you're on the weeks worth cycle you can only take each herb ONCE before moving on to the next one as you're only leaving a week between doses.) The results magnify when you go to a two week cycle and then magnify again when you hit three weeks. The longer you go between doses of one particular herb, the better and stronger the T hit will be. I worked my way up to the three week cycle I'm at now and its the best it's been, hands down.

    If you cycle like this with your diet and training in check, you're gonna be blown away. Another thing i want to mention is sleep. I've been sleeping like a baby. Rock solid down and out for 7-8 hours kind of sleep. This is only helping the situation.

    Best part for me is I don't have to have the down time that I did when i was cycling hormones. Let's face it, PCT always sucks compared to how you felt when you were on. With this system, I feel on all the time. AND, I never have to stop.
    Hi Cd,
    Being that your list of Test Boosters will likely continue to grow. Have you experimented at all with using combinations? Maybe two at once, it might complicate things a little to make sure not to use two within a 10 day time frame but I'm all for experiementation. I guess pine pollen everyday would make for 2 boosters every day but you know what I mean.

  7. #57
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    Hi all,

    I'm intrigued to hear your opinions on this considering there appears to be a rare few post-PFS-ers on here!

    I personally took accutane for 10 days and crashed New Years Day 2012/13. I got all the sexual issues (no libido, no morning glory, no spontaneous, ED, reduced ejaculate, ED etc etc you know the story).

    Anyway my current situation appears to be the cognitive elements of my sexuality are somewhat improved. But the D aspects not so much. For example, my libido has come back online (not 100% mind you) and libido induced erections are now possible. However, I recently have developed some shrinkage and a coldness downstairs.

    Furthermore, if I take something like high dose tribulus/creatine I notice an increase in libido but concomitantly a shrivelled cold D. So what I'm thinking is while my brain is receptive to these pro-DHT supps. Local factors downstairs are causing a shift in T conversion from the 5AR pathway to the aromatase pathway. Therefore most if not all CDs list of supps are probs off-limits for me personally.

    So, given this information, pro-DHT compounds are probably not wise (at this time anyway). What I was wondering is, what the best anti-E/anti-aromatase foods, supplements, herbs etc? Or any other ideas (backed with some science lingo preferably).

    Bear in mind I have followed paleo pretty strictly since even before I took accutane. Whether it be the ketogenic version or the more lax type that allows starchy tubers such as sweet potato alongside my copious fruit consumtpion. I've only recently introduced less paleo things such as whey just for conveniences sake. However, I'm going to start loading up on broccoli, cauliflower ( some E metabolising properties), mushrooms (some AI properties), celery (androsterone content), beetroot (Nitric oxide production - vasodilation). Although I'm aware the potency of dietary intake will probably be minimal if not negligible.

    I'm also in very good shape. I used to be a national level swimmer. Now I compete in MMA. I'm circa 6-7% bodyfat most of the year (benefits of being an ectomorph dominant ecto-mesomorph) at 190lb's 6foot 1. I squat and deadlift heavy on the regular and train all the main energy systems in a periodised fashion. (of note, Accutane only effects the 5AR found in genitals and brain. Hence, I can still be shredded and strong but still suffer with hypergonadal symptoms in the sexual department).

    I'm considering trying a pharmaceutical grade Aromatase Inhibitor if I don't get any results in the next few months with whatever I decide to try.

    Any way, thoughts would be appreciated.
    Last edited by Crank92; 05-14-2015 at 04:22 PM.

  8. #58
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Freepressright's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crank92 View Post
    Hi all,

    I'm intrigued to hear your opinions on this considering there appears to be a rare few post-PFS-ers on here!

    I personally took accutane for 10 days and crashed New Years Day 2012/13. I got all the sexual issues (no libido, no morning glory, no spontaneous, ED, reduced ejaculate, ED etc etc you know the story).

    Anyway my current situation appears to be the cognitive elements of my sexuality are somewhat improved. But the D aspects not so much. For example, my libido has come back online (not 100% mind you) and libido induced erections are now possible. However, I recently have developed some shrinkage and a coldness downstairs.

    Furthermore, if I take something like high dose tribulus/creatine I notice an increase in libido but concomitantly a shrivelled cold D. So what I'm thinking is while my brain is receptive to these pro-DHT supps. Local factors downstairs are causing a shift in T conversion from the 5AR pathway to the aromatase pathway. Therefore most if not all CDs list of supps are probs off-limits for me personally.

    So, given this information, pro-DHT compounds are probably not wise (at this time anyway). What I was wondering is, what the best anti-E/anti-aromatase foods, supplements, herbs etc? Or any other ideas (backed with some science lingo preferably).

    Bear in mind I have followed paleo pretty strictly since even before I took accutane. Whether it be the ketogenic version or the more lax type that allows starchy tubers such as sweet potato alongside my copious fruit consumtpion. I've only recently introduced less paleo things such as whey just for conveniences sake. However, I'm going to start loading up on broccoli, cauliflower ( some E metabolising properties), mushrooms (some AI properties), celery (androsterone content), beetroot (Nitric oxide production - vasodilation). Although I'm aware the potency of dietary intake will probably be minimal if not negligible.

    I'm also in very good shape. I used to be a national level swimmer. Now I compete in MMA. I'm circa 6-7% bodyfat most of the year (benefits of being an ectomorph dominant ecto-mesomorph) at 190lb's 6foot 1. I squat and deadlift heavy on the regular and train all the main energy systems in a periodised fashion. (of note, Accutane only effects the 5AR found in genitals and brain. Hence, I can still be shredded and strong but still suffer with hypergonadal symptoms in the sexual department).

    I'm considering trying a pharmaceutical grade Aromatase Inhibitor if I don't get any results in the next few months with whatever I decide to try.

    Any way, thoughts would be appreciated.
    You could always play with some Exemestane dosed at 25mg every other day or every three days and see if that brings about improvement.

    You'll know quickly if it improves things for you. I've actually had to incorporate some into my natural herbal protocol because I felt like I was getting an E spike. Erections became stronger within 24 hours.

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freepressright View Post
    You could always play with some Exemestane dosed at 25mg every other day or every three days and see if that brings about improvement.

    You'll know quickly if it improves things for you. I've actually had to incorporate some into my natural herbal protocol because I felt like I was getting an E spike. Erections became stronger within 24 hours.
    I'm surprised you had to use the exemestane on top of the DHT optimisation protocol man, I thought the DHT increase would take care of any aromatase? Your herbal protocol is tongkat and pine pollen is that right?... must be packing hell of a punch for you!

    The RES100 hasn't improved things with me as of yet on my herbal protocol so considering a pharma AI if nothing improves soon... you'd go extemestane over anastrozole?

  10. #60
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    Is there any reason you choose exemestane over say Letro or Arimidex? Those are the two I'm considering, Arimidex due to it's milder competitive inhibition. Letro although it's the aggro option it has the benefit of through a secondary function increasing DHT and 3-Adiol-G, I forget the precursor and pathway that it uses, but will be my final option I think.

    I'm looking into getting a bit of a stack going, to give the natty route one last bash:

    PES Erase
    E-radicate (Beast Sports Nutrition) - (Calcium D-glucarate and 7-methoxyflavone)
    Grape Seed Extract (MyProtein)
    And possibly some pine pollen too from wherever I can find in the UK that looks legit.

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