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    Established Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Rulk's Avatar
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    Chest and Back. Simply I nailed it again. Great workout, going from one chest excercise, to a back excercise- repeat. Strength is up too, from last week. I think next week I will be close to what I was using back in september.

    I am already looking leaner, yet the scale is not really moving too much. The hunger spike comes and goes, but the more active I am, the more hungry I get. I've also decided to add Anabeta to this run, come the 2nd bottle. Just want to see what happens

    The next time I run Versa-1, I think I will be much leaner than I am now, and I want to add Compound 20. Maybe throw in Erase Pro as well

    - - - Updated - - -


    Tuesday I hit legs, and this time, started out using the plate under my heels. It worked like a charm and I squatted with zero knee pain. Pretty good leg workout compared to last weeks. Now, is it me or are do DOMS linger around more while on Versa?

    Wednesday I rested up for a Jits session on thursday. I was also going to hit delts and arms, thursday night.

    Thursday morning, I get to jits and have an okay session. My first round of rolling went well, but I gassed waaay too early for my liking. I think next time I will try and get more carbs in before. I'm also going to start concentrating on more cardio, by sandwiching my lifting session with with the elliptical machine.

    Friday I rested, and lately I have been really hungry again. I've been goofing up on my diet the last 2 days, but it's not making a noticable difference. I don't put all my stock in what the scales say anymore, but I do pay close attention to it, by weighing in every other morning or so. When I started back lifting again weeks ago, I shot right up to 270lbs, ( from 267-ish ). After the first week, I started losing weight again, and currently I weigh in at 264.9lbs.

    Tonight, or early morning, I just downed a couple of whole egg wraps, with ranch dressing mix, infused cottage cheese. I'm looking leaner, my waist is the smallest it's been in years, and my muscles are really full and tight- which I give credit to the extra calories/ off diet food. Normally I eat so many veggies and whole food protein sources, that I don't get a whole lot of carbs in my diet, thus my pleasant surprise of looking and feeling "jacked" tonight.

    Saturday morning, I plan on getting a jits session in, and hopefully hitting delts and arms after. Lets hope I find the time.

    I am very curious though, how does Versa-1 one work exactly? So far I want to say I attribute the mental aspects, as the main benefit, via Versa-1. I'm almost always in a good mood, my motivation has never been so high in so long, and for once in my life, I find myself wanting to go to the gym everyday. Imo, I give my consistant and clean diet the most credit, followed by a smart excercise program. Nutrition and consistency have always been my downfall, and it's something I needed to work on. Versa-1 makes me feel like I can finally put everything together, so in that respect, I think I owe a lot to Versa-1.

    Basically, I can't put my thumb on this one yet. I feel great, and that's something I didnt feel before I started. So reps, give me an idea of how this stuff works! Tell me if it's some kind of test booster, adaptive agent, nutrient partitioner, whatever, or is this the benefit of a much improved "Mind to Muscle Link"?

  2. #2
    Established Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Rulk's Avatar
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    Pretty damn awesome day of jits ( Tuesday ). From the warm ups, to learning a new half-guard pass, to rolling, this has been the best session so far this year. I never got close to being tapped today, I felt unstoppable, and I tapped out 2 out of 3 of my partners. After jits I hit the bench for 1 set, rested a minute, hit dips for one set, followed immediatly by pushups. Don't know where I found the energy for that, but it was there. Also, even though I was pretty damn spent afterwords, I was not so sore as usual. Probably a combo of getting more familiar with jits, the gi, and using more technique instead of strength, PLUS, starting to get a little more battle conditioned.

    Tomorrow I have legs.

    I wanted to mention my diet also. So lately I have been eating way more whole food, and much less shakes/supplements. I do mix 20 to 30 grams of peptopro here and there, and drink it with meals, between meals, as sort of a flavored drink and to supplement more protein into my diet. I also use it pre-intra-post workout. Basically I am drinking the stuff all day and night.

    So your probably asking, how are you eating more whole food and less shakes? I'm eating 4 whole food meals a day, and it's a lot more food than I am used to eating. I'm getting a lot of calories in from protien, and fat, with some carbs, and I figure that the peptopro is added insurance to get enough protein in for the day. It is expensive, but I feel it's working. The scale started moving south again, but my body is changing more drastically in the mirror department. I feel I am experiencing a nice recomp, naturally.

    Besides stuff like All-In pre-workout, peptopro, the only other real sports supplement that i can think of, that I am taking, is Versa-1. I've quickly fallen for this little gem. It's turning me into a beast, or it's all the whole food i'm am eating, or some kind of combo. It's kind of hard to explain, but once you start taking it, you'll know what i'm talking about. It feels like a mild ph. I can squeeze out more strength than i'm used to, i'm more focused and upbeat than i'm used to, more driven and aggresive too. Other stuff I have observed is: increased appetite, all day, everyday ( except for like one day ), i'm sleeping better, i'm more alert, more DOMS that lat longer or feel more severe.

    I have not made dramatic changes in any aspect, but for sure an improvement has been seen in almost all aspects. I look better, move better, I weigh less, so something is working. I do want to add, there has been some days, where I splurge and cheat on my diet. After all my meals, or after a scheduled meal, I still have a big appetitie. I've broken down and gotten soda pop and chips more than I would like to admit, but I am working so hard, it's not halting progress. Eating well lately has been very consistant for the most part though.

  3. #3
    Established Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Rulk's Avatar
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    Had a hickup today. In the process of light rolling, I kept getting vertigo. I had to stop and made an appointment to see the doc that day. Good news is that it's not serious and caused by upper respitory events ( cold/allergies ). Gonna lift here to make up for the lack of physical activity.

  4. #4
    Established Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Rulk's Avatar
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    Okay, Round 2.

    Took almost a week off from the gym and Versa-1. Started back up last night and also introduced Anabeta. As of today, my 2nd day, my appetite has soared! It's like I can't get full. I'm eating chicken breasts w/mustard, one ground beef patty, fruit and veggie smoothies, mixed nuts, hard boiled eggs, and a protein powder here and there- especially around workouts. Gonna try drinking more water, to help reduce this hunger, and hopefully it gets better.

    Last night I did delts and arms and felt great. Tonight is legs.

  5. #5
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 markam's Avatar
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    Hi Noa, you've got me interested in Versa 1, def have to try it some time. What dosage and how long did you use it for?
    Also, how do you rate Peptopro compared to Humapro? I recently tried Peptopro, but I'm undecided.

    Re appetite, when I use something that I know will jack my appetite up, I also eat before taking it. I found that using Dermacrine before I ate would often result in a very large meal and bowls of cereal, so I always eat beforehand. Sounds like everything's going well for you, now.

  6. #6
    Established Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Rulk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markam View Post
    Hi Noa, you've got me interested in Versa 1, def have to try it some time. What dosage and how long did you use it for?
    Also, how do you rate Peptopro compared to Humapro? I recently tried Peptopro, but I'm undecided.

    Re appetite, when I use something that I know will jack my appetite up, I also eat before taking it. I found that using Dermacrine before I ate would often result in a very large meal and bowls of cereal, so I always eat beforehand. Sounds like everything's going well for you, now.
    I take 1 capsule 30 minutes to an hour before working out. Drinking a cup of coffee after dosing boosts it's effects. Started a 2nd bottle this week, along with anabeta. Longest you should run versa is 2 months, then take 4 weeks off. The mental boosts from versa are what i've mainly falling for. You do feel more aggressive and driven on it. It's just a pretty little cool supp.

    After using Humapro on and off for years, and giving MAP and rx whey's peptopro a shot, I can confidently say that I like pepto more than Humapro. If I notice anything about pepto, it's the faster recovery. Otherwise it does nothing else, besides just giving you more protein. Humapro is hard to see the results if you don't know what to look for. I mainly used it to drop weight and preserve muscle. You wont really notice it directly, so it does not give you a really big boost mentally.

    I'm starting to believe that most supps increase mental attributes, ala the placebo effect. It may sound corny, but it probably does have some impact on your overall results. Everything starts with the mind, the power of the mind is incredible. Whether we trick ourselves into believing something is working, and it's not true, at least in the mean time, your actually putting in the work. So wherever the motivation comes from, does not matter, roll with it. I could be wrong, and i'm still exploring this idea.. end rant

    I'd like to see your feedback on versa-1. I was skeptical at first, but after taking it, I really like it. Very different product than anything out there.

  7. #7
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    liked what you said about the mind there NOA

  8. #8
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 markam's Avatar
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    Thanks Noa.

    I'll give Versa 1 a shot later this year as I've got some other stuff to try first. Does Versa-1 need time to build up in your system or the effects are there from day 1?

    Re Humapro,etc: If I'm cutting I use Alri chain'd out rather than Humapro, as Bcaas are more geared to preserving muscle. A 10g serving of Chain'd out is a 2:1:1 Bcaa mix with Leucine @ 3.5g, and I'm adding 3.5 bulk Leucine so it's a 4:1:1 blend. The bcaas in Chain'd out are malates which are less likely to be broken down used as fuel than regular Bcaas.

    I'll probably get some Peptopro and take a shot 10g pre, intra, post, but it's hardly something I'd want to sip on when I'm working out, but I have Chain'd out for that. If I wasn't using Bcaas, I'd add in some bulk Leucine to the peptopro, maybe 6g.

  9. #9
    Established Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Rulk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markam View Post
    Thanks Noa.

    I'll give Versa 1 a shot later this year as I've got some other stuff to try first. Does Versa-1 need time to build up in your system or the effects are there from day 1?

    Re Humapro,etc: If I'm cutting I use Alri chain'd out rather than Humapro, as Bcaas are more geared to preserving muscle. A 10g serving of Chain'd out is a 2:1:1 Bcaa mix with Leucine @ 3.5g, and I'm adding 3.5 bulk Leucine so it's a 4:1:1 blend. The bcaas in Chain'd out are malates which are less likely to be broken down used as fuel than regular Bcaas.

    I'll probably get some Peptopro and take a shot 10g pre, intra, post, but it's hardly something I'd want to sip on when I'm working out, but I have Chain'd out for that. If I wasn't using Bcaas, I'd add in some bulk Leucine to the peptopro, maybe 6g.
    I like Chain'd out, good product. I was adding leucine to peptopro, but now just take about 5 grams before I eat ( whole food ). Versa-1, I could of swore I felt it the first day. My first week back to the gym while starting versa, seemed to help my transition. Drive and aggression were noticable, along with a good mood, all within a week- easily.

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