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  1. #81
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 necropuppy's Avatar
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    Re: Necropuppy's training log

    Damn. That's a trippy remix/cover. I loved goth/Punk chicks. They were the death of me. I can only imagine dropping some tabs to that. I have the white Rabbit on my neck. So everyone knows I'm chasing the rabbit. Lol. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Here's the rest of my sleeve. Still need some more characters, but all my money goes to roids and supps now.


  2. #82
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    The mone rats looks sick bro! I like how Alice is dressed as well And I hear you on the money part. I used to spend so much money on tatts it's not even funny

  3. #83
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 necropuppy's Avatar
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    Ugh. Fucking life caught up with me. I had to leave town for a couple days on family issues. I come back my car won't start and won't jump, dead cell in my battery. I lose my wallet on the same day. The next day I have some weird ass allergic reaction that landed me in the hospital being shot up with epinephrine. Not really how I wanted to spend the last days of my vacation.

    ANYWAY. Fucking hit legs after a month of skipping them. Over my vacation I was doing intensive stretching, and I feel my joint is at about 85%. pain level has gone down from 8 to about a 3. So I'm happy about that. I was not happy about how much strength I've lost. I was very disappointed.

    Squats supersetted w/ 20 body weight calf raises:
    135, 2x10
    185, 2x10

    Leg ext:
    150 x 10
    130, 2x10

    Leg curl
    90 3 x 10

    Weighted calf raises
    70 x 10
    75 2 x 10

    Hip abduction - Thought I'd throw these in, along with adduction, to strengthen my entire leg supports so that this injury doesn't happen again.
    90, 3 x 10

    Hip adduction:
    70 x 10
    90, 2x10

    Leg press:
    150, low 20; high 20
    175, low 20; high 20
    200, low 20; high 20

    I took it easy, a prudent decision as I didn't want to exacerbate any injury. I know I'll get my strength back, but its just disheartening. y'all know the feeling.
    Last edited by necropuppy; 08-27-2014 at 09:31 AM.

  4. #84
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    You'll come out of this one stronger than ever

  5. #85
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 necropuppy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VayneZ View Post

    You'll come out of this one stronger than ever
    Thanks for the encouragement bro.


    Today the first time I hit the same weights WITH added sets, while OFF of Tren and Mast, so I was very impressed I was able to retain the supra-physiological AAS strength.

    DB flat press:
    35 x 20
    70, 2 x 10
    75, 2 x 10
    80, 2 x 5

    Incline DB flys:
    25 x 10
    30, 2 x 10
    35, 2 x 10
    40, 2 x 10

    Weighted Dips:
    15, 3 x 10

    Sven Presses:
    10, 3 x 20

    DB Pull-overs:
    55, 3 x 10

    I'm going to try and spend more time at the gym. I seen to have added endurance from either this PWO I'm logging (IronFlex Quake) or because of the lack of Tren...

    Reports on the Oxytocin, while I'll post up in the other thread. Working well so far. Been in several social situations where I've had added confidence. Espcially when I found out this girl who I was inlove with when I was a teenager and we have 16+ years history together, I was able to talk to straight up and confident about what I wanted to say without thinking 'oh maybe I shouldn't say that because what will she think about.blahblahblah'. So interesting stuff. Might up to dosage. I'm using 250mcg of it presently once a day. Also I think added with the Peptides, its lowering my cortisol, because recovery from leg day yesterday was a breeze. No soreness at all, even though I pushed myself hard, and I had trouble walking yesterday my legs were so exhausted.

  6. #86
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 necropuppy's Avatar
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    Today was back day. I feel like I'm slacking. Working out, at best, EOD. Meh. Still pushing the same weight, albeit it takes more effort. I've been eating a fuck ton of pudding. Like I fucking need some pudding. Lol. My gf bought like 72 pack of them. I just want the chocolate ones. As I keep telling her the vanilla pudding moluecules just don't come together right. I usually don't like chocolate. But fuck I told her to hide the rest of the chocolate pudding cups. I feel kinda bloated. Ican't wait to bulk.

    135 x 10
    225 x 10
    315 x 5
    335, 2 x 3
    355 x 1
    365 x 1 - I had to take off the two 10 lbs and throw a 25 lb on to show off for a blonde doing kettle bell squats or something but she was stickin her ass out at me and eying me at me in the mirror. Lol. I was going to just slap 5lb on each side, but had to add some dramatics.

    DB rows
    60, 3 x 10. felt as if i coulda did 65s.

    Lat pushdowns.
    75, 3 x 10

    Lat pulldowns
    100 x 10
    115 x 10

    close grip lat pull downs
    130, 2 x 10

    I was pretty much done at this point, although I could probably have squeezed in some seated cable rows, but that darn gf nagging at me to go. ugh.
    Last edited by necropuppy; 08-30-2014 at 12:40 PM.

  7. #87
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 necropuppy's Avatar
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    I decided to go back to two chest days per week, because: #1 I want my chest has been/is lagging because of prior injury, and #2. I really started enjoying two separate days hitting it. I had changed things moving arms themselves to one day, but I just felt throwed off. SO back to my old way, which definitely was increasing size+strength. Also Quake really shined today. I felt fucking great. I love the no stim feeling but I definitely have a greater energy base+reserve.

    Bench Press BB: I decided to switch back to these to gauge how much an increase of strength I've gotten from solely using DB. Color me impressed. Before I was hitting max 185. Like I said I have a previous shoulder injury which got re-injured and I never got re-repaired.

    135 x 10
    185, 3x5
    205 x 3
    225 x 2
    245 x 1 PR. no spot. Prob would have went higher, but I hate getting a spot. that's why I like DB. not necessary. Although Neg reps are fuckin awesome for hypertrophy I hear.

    Body weight dips:
    3 x 15

    DB Fly (flat)
    30, 2 x 10
    35, 2 x 10 - switched over to cable fly since that opened up
    50 x 10
    60 x 10

    Skull crushers
    50, 4 x 12 ...

    DB press (flat)
    60, 2 x 10

    DB tricep overhead ext
    50, 3 x10

    Sven presses
    10, 3 x 20

    Single arm tricep ext, fully contracted state
    30, 3 x 10

    pushups to failure x 2

    Basically. I felt that I killed it today. Quake is definitely working and I'm loving it. GF is gonna be staying home or she can go another time, because without her rolling up on me saying let's dip, I had the extra motivation to stay and put in more work, with the help of Quake. I ain't got time to NOT kill shit at the gym.

    The Oxytocin and Peptides are really aiding in recovery. I think I feel more recovered/refresed on these than I did with anabolics. But they obviously do different things. I could imagine the synergy between all three being amazing. I've ran Peps and AAS before and it resulted in me being very happy. I also got complimented on how I look about 20 something. I mean that's not far off, I'm 30. But -10 years is pretty good. The Oxytocin is helping with social interactions I believe.

  8. #88
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 necropuppy's Avatar
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    Today really sucked. Last night I had another allergic reaction. Finally narrowed to what it is causing it. UGL Test Cyp. The other products I used from my UGL are fine. Test E/Tren E/Mast E. So I don't know if it's a bad batch or something. I really should have not tried to go to the gym today, however, I tried and it was a total fail. PWO + antihistamines <12hrs do not mix.

    DB shoulder press
    40 x 10
    45, 2 x 10
    50, 2 x 10
    55 x 5

    DB shrug
    85, 3 x 10

    BB Front raise
    60, 3 x 10

    At this point I just didn't feel right. I had to leave.

    I don't think I can allergic to the ester because I'd be irritated the entire length of the ester breaking down in my system. I did contact the UGL and asked if there was any difference between this batch of Cyp and the other products I received from then, and they said the BA/BB/Oil is all the same, and that they've moved >150 vials of the same batch, with no issue. So I'm entirely befuddled. I'm definitely not gonna pin that again. I'll switch over to the the rest of the Test Enth that was working just fine.

  9. #89
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Bucks's Avatar
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    Necropuppy's training log

    Weird shit man , but allergies are weird a lot of the times.

  10. #90
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 necropuppy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bucks View Post
    Weird shit man , but allergies are weird a lot of the times.
    Yeah pretty crazy. I'm going to see an allergist. He's gonna tell me don't use UGL lol.

    Today was dreaded leg day. My leg started hurting again. I'm going to have to see an orthopedist because the power is just not there. Just I'll walk, there's pain and it just doesn't feel stable. I think my time off has been more detrimental then good. I felt about 60% today, in pain, but I told myself I HAVE to go. So I did, and felt better after. I lowered the weights so I could increase reps.

    BOTH squat racks were taken. wtf?

    Leg ext:
    100, 5 x 10

    Leg curl:
    100, 5 x 10

    Squats supersetted w/ BW calf rasises:
    135, 3 x 20 - Didn't want to go higher because of the pain.

    Hip adduction:
    100, 5 x 10

    Hip abduction:
    100, 5 x 10

    Medicine ball hyperexstenions
    5 x 10

    I after this I still had energy, and I wanted to do some Romanian deadlifts and GHR, but I had to do some urgent work for my dad's firm. some shit was busted and he needed it remedied immediately.

    I think strengthening my lower back and core will fix the problem. I want to do cable pullthroughs, but way cable machines are oriented make it difficult to. I'm going to have to though. Those look they could be useful.

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