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  1. #21
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    If by “mild case” you mean I didn’t spend all day on forums doom posting, then sure my friend. I indeed will tell you I was far from mild in reality. Mild doesn’t indicate total mental symptoms, eye floaters, twisted “zombie” genitals, gut failure, inability to see straight without blurred vision…. I just didn’t feel the need to post doom on my propecia help topic all day. Imagine that, not being fucking negative all day - something you might be able to find useful.

    Does this not get old, man? I’ve done nothing but show you support over the years yet all you do is sit in your little flat and flame me personally, and ruin everything for people who need it. I’m out loving my life again, and you could be too one day, instead of typing a bunch of garbage on an Internet forum while you waste the one life you have away.

    You post about your mom a lot on here - do something for yourself, for her sake, and quit being a dramatic, selfish shithead.. I’m sure she’s far more let down by you being an absolute cancer to society and hurting others trying to recover because you’re too fucking lazy and too immature to even try.

    And quit posting garbage about HCG curing you, you don’t know that and it hasn’t been the case for most. Leave that shit in the past and move on man. You’re embarrassing yourself.
    There ain't no traffic on the extra mile bitch

    No slacking, no excuses

    There's no easy way out of it

    There no shite cut home

  2. #22
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Why if herbs and minerals wouldn't work would HCG not work

  3. #23
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    -JN- =Proviron (DHT), felt that was not curing the cause -> Breakthrough with T3 and Adrenal supplements -> Feels that Cop-Zinc-ratio, anti-candida/parasite is the real cause

    Austinite007 =Natural recovery

    Cliffs =Took DIM, tribulus, and a topical DHT -> 6-8 weeks later his puffy nipples went away and libido was pretty much back. -> 6-8 weeks later he stopped DIM (doesn’t say if he stopped Trib and DHT gel) and 2 months later he felt like pre-fin days

    Danielmotion01 =Lots of symptons -> diagnosed high RT3 and low T3 -> T3 treatment, everything recovered

    [Some spanish guy cepo mentioned] =Positive attitude & weightlifting 3 years straight.

    finhelp47 = cycling Vit E 200/400mg, 2-6 fish oil capsules, seldomly multivitamin which had ginseng 40mg which boosted libido

    fuckfin =Synthroid (T4, thyroid medicine), Viagra, sex ja mastubation to recovery

    GN9904 =Ciproxin (antibiotic) helped but otherwise natural recovery; believes that masturbation was critical

    HopingForMore =2-3 High doses Tribulus Extract/day, 5 days a week

    istherehope =Healthy lifestyle, herbal supplements, DIM for 3 months, gym 5/w (weight, some cardio, protein shakes and rich diet, maca, vitamin complex, hgweed, tribulus with l-arginine, something else… lots of broccoli and green tean, zinc, vitamin d. ! Cycled herbs on and off 6-8 months. Felt tribulus and arginine was important, DIM+Trib caused pain to prostate especially if he took alcohol the night before. pains ended once he quit the supplements (when he recovered).

    John Coleman = Diagnosed adrenal fatigue with Dr.Wilson’s book (not Lawrence Wilson). Made natural recovery with good sleep, stop taking supplements, stopped negative obsessive thoughts and focused on positivity, ate lot of veggies. Confirmed recovery from adrenal fatigue with pupil dilation - testwhen he recovered.

    Jon Doe = Natural recovery. Only slept more than usual due to depression and took way less sugar since he read about leaky gut. His full-blown gynecomastia removed with his recovery as well!

    [Jon Doe’s topic: Guillermo Alvarez] =John Doe’s friend recovered naturally in 2 years.

    Matis =Natural recovery. Stopped all substances (alcohol included) for the duration of recovery.

    MikeS1025 =Natural recovery. Quit couple of supplements, did Kegels, kept taking Vit D and Centrum Multi-V, commented that erections lasted longer thru sex rather than masturbating. In the end, started eating healthy and gym 3-4/w.

    MrMojo=Acupuncture (endocrine soft reset) -> 14 months Test cypionate and Sonoma Diet, symptons improved when he fixed Vit D and DHEA. Also mentioned doing hypothyroid treatments per Dr. Wilson (Not Lawrence Wilson) specifically.

    multispeed27 =3 times a day Avena Sativa (“Controlled Labs, Blue Up, Natural Test Booster”) + Tamofixen

    No5= Natural recovery. Felt summer in Greek sped up recovery (sun, no stress, sea?). Aerobic, good diet, positive mindset.

    patientb =Vitamin B6 100 mg every day for 5 months + Quick Burst workouts -> Then symptons improved once he added Kal High Potency soft multiple – multivitamin & 30 minutes of swimming laps every day.

    reason =Natural recovery. Diagnized adrenal fatigue -> Good diet, full sleep and resting for whole weekend. Felt cold water swimming helped him.

    StartingOver = Natural recovery. Propecia caused freezing winters (hypothyroidism). Recovery phases overlapped with jetlag and flying. Gym, avoided bread, tried veganism. Eventually admitted that probably hard sessions in volleyball and red meat started his recovery.

    Trickster = Doc trazodone (spelling? It’s a hormone), bodybuilding, Hcg and good mentality.

    tryingnottoworry = Eat organich baby spinach 140g/d for 14 days for substance called dolichol, recovered quickly. (same for mariovitali in 2nd post)

    yoyo = Natural recovery. A little viagra, body building, macca yohimbe went a long way. Also focused on stress and reducing stress and sadness.

    propeciAUS = 10d water fast->bone broths, soups->GAPS->Paleo with cheat days. “Interestingly I got my best results when I stopped supplementing with vitamins etc and the only thing I took was a daily probiotic and digestive enzymes with each of the main meals. Oh sorry, I also took cod liver oil and flaxseed oil each morning. One thing I noticed was that the skin condition (doctor said it was psoriasis) that appeared just after my crash has now completely gone." Someone else did the same route as propecciAUS though and did not recover.

    cdnuts = Many months of Raw diet plus several shorter fasts -> 2w water fast -> Paleo with carb back loading (no gluten or any kind of stimulants, stay well hydrated); meditation, Mindfulness, positivity etc; 3/w heavy weights and 1-2/w HIIT (eg springs); Cycling several testosterone boosters; Androhard 6w PCT 30d; B-complex, Magnesium complex, fish oils, Vitamin D 5000 iu;

    Toadstool (?) = 1,5 months grassfeed Bone Broth, veggies, seasalt, probiotics -> slowlty to Paleo and lots of kefir + 100 bil probiotics. Big improvement when removed gluten and grains. I’m unsure if he is still recovered, apologies if I’m wrong.

    Dynaaminen = Positivity, Testogel, L-tyrosine (brainfog), Gym 3-4/w with foottraining for libido, no excess sex, Minerals B-vitamins Sauerkraut, superfoods, enzymes… “Went overboard with supplements”. Breakthrought with chinese herbs (eg. Ron Teeguarden’s Dragon Jing), suggested Ron Teeguarden book “The Ancient Wisdom of the Chinese Tonic Herbs”. Felt that earthing had positive impact on symptons.

    solonjk = Bad adrenal fatigue, 2 years in bed. Recovered for most part with a long, constant prostate Manila – technique treatment coupled with antibiotics. (See: Kos island treatments). Personally do not recommend antibiotics at any cost. fwiw: Dr Lawrence Wilson’s adrenal supplement made his adrenal symptons worse.

    cgj1 = T3+T4+pregnelone until his metabolism sped up, then small amounts of Clomid.

    japanther = Mainly had brainfog for PFS: fixed it only with Raw Diet.

    bizzy (japanther-topic) = Natural recovery. Believes that faith cured him.

    FJ929 = Mainly had brainfog for PFS: fixed it with 5-HTP.

    [italian PFS sufferer] = Recovered with 28d water fast (“14 day water fast - my improvements”, pg.7)

    Claro = Recovered mostly with long water fasts, still gut/candida issues due to use of antibiotics.

    light at the end = Recovery with Deprenly and Progesterone.

    beekay = Progesterone 5mg, pregnelone 50mg, lots of supplements, pos. attitude = 80% -> clomid ja nolva -> 100%

    letsconvenience = Recovered with Dr. Lawrence Wilson protocol/supplements.

    “Lawrence#2” = Very strictly daily enemas with (coffee?) enemas

    “Lawrence#3” = Dr. Lawrence Wilson supplements + 1/month liver flushes with enemas -> libido back with Peat-diet

    Special mentions:

    Chi = Same protocol as cdnuts, recovered in 2014

    mariovitali = Recovered in 2015. Many different protocols -> Methylation, felt something was missing -> NOS-protocol (Rucola/Rocket-salad) -> Realized it was Dolichol (spinach) plus certain supplements that recovered him, instead of NOS. Suffered PFS for 10 years.


    This is more work-in-progress, I haven’t bothered editing this as much.

    IHP = 10d Water fast -> Diet, Antifungals Med ja Suppl… tl;dr: recovered ny focusing entirely on candida and leaky gut protocols. Came back at 2014 as he’s regressed a bit? JQD or someone can fill up on that. Posts now in PH, or at least used to until Theories section got closed.

    ??? (IHP topic) = Chinese herbs recovered 70% sexuality -> “damp coldness/heat” acupuncture recovered to 80% (“common for women in Asia who take birth control pills”)

    FranzFan = Recovered i think? I can’t remember the details.

    corroivp = Recovered TWICE, crashed again/ third time due to acid reflux and allergies.

    joetz = Recovered for a long time with stem cell therapy, then slowly after months he regressed back to PFS. Interestingly had detox symptons at the beginning of SCT. Treatment has risks, stem cells must be made from specific fat from specific place of the body.

    keepthefaith (?) = following mlevyholden and Chi, fixed diet and started hitting gym actively (specifically compact movements but cardio as well). 80% recovery, feels that prostatis last symptom to beat as it aches.

  4. #24
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Cheers for those,from solve pfs I think.

  5. #25
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    Joetz didn't get alibido ever

    Who wrote this

    I was recivered I should have put my name in there

    Instead I just sat and watched

    I really should have done trt again

    Even that English twat went to an endocrinologist

    - - - Updated - - -

    Walkers alright just a cdnuts disciole

    If some cunt in here had done HCG might have twigged and done it

    Or if Joe kool had done it earlier

  6. #26
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    I had a good libido and normal cock and balls

    Still didn't need to wash my hair, lost scrotal hair etc

    - - - Updated - - -

    Had a fat belly

    All this in zinc and vitamin d and Mark Wilson's stuff

    Should have done trt

  7. #27
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    Fucking hell man

    If could donut over again I'd do TRT

    The only cunt whonorimitedbitbwasbthat mad cunt JUst quit Dut

    And invetbthat cunt scared male as well

  8. #28
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    The reason I say HCG or TRT

    I was fucking cured on zma gkycinate muscles grew etc

    Try telling nenthebhcg wouldn't have fucking worked cunt

  9. #29
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    Imnade a natural recovery man

    Could have added my name to that list

    And I fucked it up

  10. #30
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    Want to slaughter the orange bastards

    But I actually felt great after that

    But we were kept indoors by the fucking scamdemic

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