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  1. #1
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    Shilajit absorption of pharmaceuticals

    Hi everyone

    Been trying to heal from Propecia since 2015. I've made good progress with a few cycles of r andro; however, I haven't been doing the herbs in between, until now.

    I've recently purchased 19/23 of the herbs from the total male optimization site that I plan to cycle.

    However I'm also taking an antidepressant, and my doctor wont take me off it at the moment.

    I read a post by CDsnuts that Shilajit increases the absorption of pharmaceuticals, so my question is:

    Is it still a good idea to take Shilajit, or will it be counterproductive in my case?

    Thank you
    Last edited by Kraven; 02-26-2019 at 01:37 AM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraven View Post
    Hi everyone

    Been trying to heal from Propecia since 2015. I've made good progress with a few cycles of r andro; however, I haven't been doing the herbs in between, until now.

    I've recently purchased 19/23 of the herbs from the total male optimization site that I plan to cycle.

    However I'm also taking an antidepressant, and my doctor wont take me off it at the moment.

    I read a post by CDsnuts that Shilajit increases the absorption of pharmaceuticals, so my question is:

    Is it still a good idea to take Shilajit, or will it be counterproductive in my case?

    Thank you
    Who cares what your doctor says. If you want to come off the antidepressant, just do it

    But either way, avoiding one herb is not going to make a difference, imo

  3. #3
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 jacknap's Avatar
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    yeah just taper off the anti-depressant

    that's fucked. a doctor can say you can't come off it and won't assist you? is that legal or you just mean they're giving you a hard time to get off it?
    From rock bottom to rockstar, baby.

  4. #4
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraven View Post
    Hi everyone

    Been trying to heal from Propecia since 2015. I've made good progress with a few cycles of r andro; however, I haven't been doing the herbs in between, until now.

    I've recently purchased 19/23 of the herbs from the total male optimization site that I plan to cycle.

    However I'm also taking an antidepressant, and my doctor wont take me off it at the moment.

    I read a post by CDsnuts that Shilajit increases the absorption of pharmaceuticals, so my question is:

    Is it still a good idea to take Shilajit, or will it be counterproductive in my case?

    Thank you
    It's not up to your doctor, it's YOUR decision. You hold the key to your health, or lack there of. I would do some research into tapering off it as Jacknap had mentioned. Do it over the course of a few months so you don't shock your brain. How long you're on the drug is going to determine how quick you should taper off of it.

    Taking any pharmaceutical is going to affect ALL the herbs and how they work in your body. You need to go in 100% for this to work. That means no prescriptions. Remember, I'm not a doctor and this is my opinion based on experience.

    Personally, I would cleanse properly first, get off the drugs and then start cycling the herbs. You need to be clean for them to work their best.

    If you've been at this since 2015, that tells me you're not fully immersing yourself into the regimen. This is what happens when people piece meal the program....They get some results, but not the results they could be getting. I imagine if you went all in back in 2015, you would be a complete stud by now.

    So learn from this. Stop piddling around with a few parts and go for it....ALL of it.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 02-26-2019 at 11:49 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  5. #5
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    Thanks guys. I will titrate down the anti-depressants, get off them, then start the program. Much appreciated.

  6. #6
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    Remember that doctors have 2 tools only. The prescription pad, and scalpel. Period. So whatever medical problem you have, those are the ONLY two tools doctors will think of; medication or surgery. For depression or anxiety, that means they will only think of pills, since ice pick lobotomies are frowned upon as barbaric and ineffective these days.

    Most people with regular depression can overcome it, but not with pills. The reason doctors think depression is permanent is because their pills don’t work well, and in their way of thinking, pills are the only possible solution. Plus, they make lots of money for quick and easy appointments where they’ll up the dose if you’re feeling worse, or lower it if the side effects get worse.

    Antidepressants work slightly better than placebos, but only for severe depression.

    There was a scandal that got almost no press, but it turns out that the drug companies didn’t report all the studies on antidepressants. About half the studies show no benefits over a placebo, or it’s worse than placebo. And half show it works better than a placebo. They can afford to do lots of these $50m - $100m studies and only submit the favorable ones to the FDA. This is completely legal.

    Meanwhile, exercise is proven to have huge benefits for depression. Meditation as well. Also, psychotherapy. Use those.

    Unless you’re in an inpatient facility, involuntary confinement at a mental ward, the doctors can’t force you to take medications. You can just insist that it’s time to stop the medication, say you’re having intolerable side effects and you don’t want to try a new medication, and tell him you want to taper off safely. We’re not doctors, so officially, I will suggest you taper off under your doctor’s supervision.

    How long it will take to taper off depends on the drug, your symptoms, and the dose. It’s a good idea to go slowly. Also, as you taper down you need to put in place meditation, workouts, and possibly also talk therapy. Talk therapy won’t help with curing PFS but if you’re depressed or anxious, it can help with those, and indirectly help your recovery in that way.

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