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  1. #31
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    Day 14, slight downswing id say. Feeling a bit anhedonic, zero libido, not lethargic but kinda lazy. Short term memory is pretty bad at the moment.

    I’m struggling to even text this girl or my friends back because I truly don’t care enough to give a response. I have zero anxiety though, but I haven’t really had anxiety in a while. Very calm feeling.

    Something I noticed is that I’ve been listening to country music a lot lately, which is something I used to do when I felt “happy” in a sense.

    I’ll update again soon

    Small edit: some things I haven't mentioned. I've seen huge improvements in libido that come and go on cycle, erection quality is way better, also I am way stronger and I look more shredded/muscular. I usually don't post anything unless it's about my neurological effects because thats what I want to fix the most. I suffer in the sexual department as much as anyone else.
    Last edited by Turnover25; 08-14-2020 at 02:17 PM.

  2. #32
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    Day 15: shitty downswing the past few days. Had that thick type of brain fog all day that looks like you could cut it with a knife/dementia type memory. Went golfing and forgot where I was and how I got there. Hopefully that subsides, would maybe cut the cycle early if it stuck around because that's the one symptom I won't fuck around with.

    Ran sprints yesterday and I think that's where it's coming from. I'm still having pretty bad issues with overexertion, my brain fog becomes thick and heavy after sprints or if I lift too heavy. Messes with my vision. It wasn't like that in the beginning of the cycle so hopefully just a downswing. Went and met up with some friends tonight and I was making everyone laugh, and was pretty outgoing, nobody ever really notices anything is wrong because I can still act like myself even though my vision is fucked along with heavy brain fog, such a frustrating symptom.

    Last night got jerked awake pretty violently a few times if I managed to fall asleep for an hour or so, happened about 4 times until I eventually fell asleep and stayed asleep. I also had a weird feeling of impending doom after waking.

    Upped my dosage to 400 mg the past 2 days, gonna go back to 300 mg and see how that works. Also gonna take a rest day tomorrow to allow my body to recharge. Gonna sit in the sun and do some foam rolling which should be great.
    Last edited by Turnover25; 08-17-2020 at 08:26 PM.

  3. #33
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 xxaleksi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
    Day 15: shitty downswing the past few days. Had that thick type of brain fog all day that looks like you could cut it with a knife/dementia type memory. Went golfing and forgot where I was and how I got there. Hopefully that resides, would maybe cut the cycle early if it stuck around because that's the one symptom I won't fuck around with.

    Ran sprints yesterday and I think that's where it's coming from. I'm still having pretty bad issues with overexertion, my brain fog becomes thick and heavy after sprints or if I lift too heavy. Messes with my vision. It wasn't like that in the beginning of the cycle so hopefully just a downswing. Went and met up with some friends tonight and I was making everyone laugh, and was pretty outgoing, nobody ever really notices anything is wrong because I can still act like myself even though my vision is fucked along with heavy brain fog, such a frustrating symptom.

    Last night got jerked awake pretty violently a few times if I managed to fall asleep for an hour or so, happened about 4 times until I eventually fell asleep and stayed asleep. I also had a weird feeling of impending doom after waking.

    Upped my dosage to 400 mg the past 2 days, gonna go back to 300 mg and see how that works. Also gonna take a rest day tomorrow to allow my body to recharge. Gonna sit in the sun and do some foam rolling which should be great.
    Keep going bro. The real benefits of the cycle come after you stop it, kinda like when many people stop fin they crash after a few weeks, the same thing happens with the andro but instead of crashing you actually feel much better.

    I had the same issues with my vision/brain fog after sprints and heavy lifting. It got much better after my first cycle and my second one knocked it out of the park completely.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxaleksi View Post
    Keep going bro. The real benefits of the cycle come after you stop it, kinda like when many people stop fin they crash after a few weeks, the same thing happens with the andro but instead of crashing you actually feel much better.

    I had the same issues with my vision/brain fog after sprints and heavy lifting. It got much better after my first cycle and my second one knocked it out of the park completely.
    Thanks for the words of encouragement bro! I’ll keep the ball rolling.

  5. #35
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    Very depressed/anhedonic feeling the past few days, but a calming anhedonia instead of the dreadful type. I saw in some other threads such as Ricky, Jacknap and Fausto that they all experienced depression on cycle. Something to do with serotonin. Also derealization has been pretty heavy.

    Today feeling a little touchy emotionally, got pissed off at something little earlier, also tearing up at the smallest things. I had a family member pass away from alcohol abuse earlier this year, when it happened I didn't cry, I didn't really feel anything, today I just thought of it and it made me break down. I think eventually when my emotions return to me, I'll actually be able to process emotions that have been built up due to my anhedonia the past year and a half.

    Feeling a little better than yesterday, at the moment I'm aiming to go 11 more days to make it 4 weeks on cycle and probably stop. I don't want to tax my body too hard on the first go-round.

  6. #36
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Maxout777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
    Very depressed/anhedonic feeling the past few days, but a calming anhedonia instead of the dreadful type. I saw in some other threads such as Ricky, Jacknap and Fausto that they all experienced depression on cycle. Something to do with serotonin. Also derealization has been pretty heavy.

    Today feeling a little touchy emotionally, got pissed off at something little earlier, also tearing up at the smallest things. I had a family member pass away from alcohol abuse earlier this year, when it happened I didn't cry, I didn't really feel anything, today I just thought of it and it made me break down. I think eventually when my emotions return to me, I'll actually be able to process emotions that have been built up due to my anhedonia the past year and a half.

    Feeling a little better than yesterday, at the moment I'm aiming to go 11 more days to make it 4 weeks on cycle and probably stop. I don't want to tax my body too hard on the first go-round.
    As much as I hate to say it, it may all be "downhill" from here for you on this cycle. Definitely still finish out, but it appears you're getting to the point where the estrogen is being powerfully crushed and you're just feeling rundown and out of it.

    Maybe try Ultra Hard for your next cycle. IIRC, androsterone is a much more potent estrogen antagonist than epiandrosterone - the lower dosage of androsterone in UH, with the higher dose of epiandro could help to alleviate this the next time.
    There ain't no traffic along the extra mile.

    Never Quit.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    As much as I hate to say it, it may all be "downhill" from here for you on this cycle. Definitely still finish out, but it appears you're getting to the point where the estrogen is being powerfully crushed and you're just feeling rundown and out of it.

    Maybe try Ultra Hard for your next cycle. IIRC, androsterone is a much more potent estrogen antagonist than epiandrosterone - the lower dosage of androsterone in UH, with the higher dose of epiandro could help to alleviate this the next time.
    Today was honestly fine. I destroyed the gym and have a ton of energy, I'm not really feeling depressed just really calm and bored, I'd like to get out of the house to do stuff but have nothing to do, derealization isn't as bad as it was yesterday, slept well, feeling way more aggressive than I did yesterday. Might have been low potassium causing the severe anhedonia yesterday since I was out and about and didn't take any in all day.

    I upped my dose to 400 mg today since I felt good. Hoping I fall into an upswing here, but even if it stays this way, I only have a week and a half or so left.

    I also haven't experienced lethargy at all honestly, I expected to be couch-bound seeing other posts from the past.

    But yeah I discussed it with CD a few days ago and will probably run the Ultra Hard for my next cycle.
    Last edited by Turnover25; 08-17-2020 at 08:55 PM.

  8. #38
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    That's something I've noticed about Ultra Hard as well. I'm getting many of the same benefits, but don't quite feel like I'm being pushed as hard. Definitely worth taking a look at Turnover.

  9. #39
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    As much as I hate to say it, it may all be "downhill" from here for you on this cycle. Definitely still finish out, but it appears you're getting to the point where the estrogen is being powerfully crushed and you're just feeling rundown and out of it.

    Maybe try Ultra Hard for your next cycle. IIRC, androsterone is a much more potent estrogen antagonist than epiandrosterone - the lower dosage of androsterone in UH, with the higher dose of epiandro could help to alleviate this the next time.
    This 100% percent... I just switched mid cycle to Ultra Hard from Alpha Seven which is almost pure androsterone because I was lethargic as fuck. I would wake up in the morning and get tired like an hour later and need to nap. I was reading that while androsterone is a positive allosteric modulater, epiandro is a negative one... that could be why as well. Andro acts like a weak benzo while epiandro acts as a weak stimulant.

  10. #40
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    I read bizzbee also had some lethargy on R-Andro (100% androsterone I think?) and he felt better on AndroHard and probably Androvar as well which he used as his last cycle.

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