So I know I've been off Swole Source for quite some time now, but I'm planning on coming back to share my new life experiences, diet, and lifestyle change…

I moved closer to home with my daughter and my wife back in October, and life has been mighty stressful for me… New job, selling of the house, buying of land, in the process of building a house, a 10 month old, and living with my parents.

Needless to say, things have been pretty wild for me lately, but I plan on getting things back on track.

This year I've made the decision not to compete as it will really stress me out even further then things currently are. With that said, I will continue to train as hard as possible this year with the intentions of competing after the house is done. I will not cycle this year, just stay natty with a mix of CJC1295 w DAC + IPAM peptides and/or mod 1-29+IPAM.

Diet wise, I have really thought this through… I will make the transition to a Cyclical Ketosis Diet (CKD). I've been consuming 90% organic fruits, veggies, and meats for a couple years now… But now I feel I need to make a move more to a Keto/Paleo Lifestyle for my health's safe.

I've been listening to a PodCast called "The Fat Burning Man", with Abel James and it's really turned my thought process around. He brings on some really smart people on his show, and I've learned so much from the couple weeks I've been listening. I have an hr to drive to and from work daily, so I felt that I needed to utilize my time wisely.

Feel free to come on this new Journey with me if you're interested, as I will continue to update this Thread as much as time allows.