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  1. #71
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 AltRoute's Avatar
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    Not to sound like a dick, but anxiety meds are NOT part of the protocol. Have you done a proper fast yet? Probably one of ,if not the most important part of the protocol, is fasting.

    I’ve had the same issues as you including the body comp changes and have noticed improvements. Stay the course .

  2. #72
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    No, I made a huge, huge mistake by taking Lexapro and Buspar. It was a total boneheaded move and I knew way better than to take anything like that. I have yet to fast again. Until I do, I am staying strictly on the diet and zero supplements.

  3. #73
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    Hi man, I'm in the same boat.

    Had pfs a decade and got to a point after three years where size and sensitivity returned. Never regained muscle but didn't use the gym. Was doing so well in 2020 but took ZMA, which helped initially, and that plus zinc was too much 5ari inhibition, aslo took those b vitamins bottles. I can't be too hard on myself as I took them for years but I didn't realise they were crashing me until it was too late. Also took seroquel for sleep and that fucked me worse in retrospect. I thought it was stress and while that didn't help it was 5ari stuff. Got so much into thinking about "boost your testosterone" stuff that I forgot I am very sensitive pfs case.

    What are you eating now? I'm in the middle of a crash so I am taking valium to stop rampant insomnia, but when I come off I will do a week water fast and start from there.

    What's your diet like? I need to eat healthy but avoid any 5ari foods just now, previously stuff like avocado's and tomatoes helped but not now. Hence why I am reluctant to do a juice feast.

    What are the safest herbs to rotate? Ie no 5ari properties like cistanche, which I now has crashed someone recently.

  4. #74
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    Over the past year, I had made so much progress in the physical realm. I had a ways to go, especially cognitively and mentally. But as far as musularity, vascularity, and strength, I was damn near recovered. I had a very weak period after a breakup in April and I took Lexapro (SSRI) and Buspirone. It has crashed me all over again, but even worse. Being the nature of SSRIs and drugs like Buspar, how does this affect my recovery? In addition to the PFS protocol, do I need to search out particular things for PSSD? I am so distraught over this man, and it was such a big fuck up. I was so fucking close.

  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by road to recover View Post
    Hi man, I'm in the same boat.

    Had pfs a decade and got to a point after three years where size and sensitivity returned. Never regained muscle but didn't use the gym. Was doing so well in 2020 but took ZMA, which helped initially, and that plus zinc was too much 5ari inhibition, aslo took those b vitamins bottles. I can't be too hard on myself as I took them for years but I didn't realise they were crashing me until it was too late. Also took seroquel for sleep and that fucked me worse in retrospect. I thought it was stress and while that didn't help it was 5ari stuff. Got so much into thinking about "boost your testosterone" stuff that I forgot I am very sensitive pfs case.

    What are you eating now? I'm in the middle of a crash so I am taking valium to stop rampant insomnia, but when I come off I will do a week water fast and start from there.

    What's your diet like? I need to eat healthy but avoid any 5ari foods just now, previously stuff like avocado's and tomatoes helped but not now. Hence why I am reluctant to do a juice feast.

    What are the safest herbs to rotate? Ie no 5ari properties like cistanche, which I now has crashed someone recently.
    Can't overstate the importance of lifting weights atleast 30 mins a day once your body is able to. It speeds up everything else. As for diet, the hardest habit for me to break was going to get something when I was hungry. I literally had to watch videos on how to dice an onion, peppers, etc. Once I started making more meals and internalizing more recipes, it became a lot easier and more automatic. Have a few meal recipes and a solid smoothie recipe as a go-to, so even when you're busy or overwhelmed, you can still cook some stuff in bulk that you look forward to eating. This has always been the hardest thing for me, staying consistent on a diet. As far as safest herbs and supplements, i'm not the one to ask. I take vitamin D, C, Boron, Magnesium daily and i've taken ashwagandha, pine pollen, tongkat, cordyceps, cistanche periodically. I didn't notice any bad effects from them. But since my recent crash i'm not currently taking herbs.

  6. #76
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    One of my issues with this forum is that people tend to blame themselves too much. Rather than what people are recommending - starving yourself for days or weeks...again, it would probably be an idea to see a gastroenterologist. There was a guy on here who kept crashing from gut problems and blaming himself, fasting again, etc.... well it turned out he had a bowel rotting with polyps and gallstones. Just my insight

  7. #77
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    How much muscle did you put on?

  8. #78
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 xxaleksi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by God View Post
    One of my issues with this forum is that people tend to blame themselves too much. Rather than what people are recommending - starving yourself for days or weeks...again, it would probably be an idea to see a gastroenterologist. There was a guy on here who kept crashing from gut problems and blaming himself, fasting again, etc.... well it turned out he had a bowel rotting with polyps and gallstones. Just my insight
    Well personally my 14-day water fast cured my gut issues I’d had since I was eight years old. I’m 21 now. Spent my childhood and teenage years going to gastroenterologists who told me there’s nothing I can do. Lol. Not to mention the fast completely removed my horrific symptoms of mycotoxin poisoning.

    I would like to do a 21 dayer within the next five years or so but will probably need to do it under supervision. Had zero issues doing a 14-day fast alone but obviously it’s much safer to do it in a professional setting.

  9. #79
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    I feel like taking the SSRI has completely changed the landscape of recovery for me. Is there anyone who has crashed from an SSRI after having PFS and was able to get back to their previous baseline?

  10. #80
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by DKnighten View Post
    I feel like taking the SSRI has completely changed the landscape of recovery for me. Is there anyone who has crashed from an SSRI after having PFS and was able to get back to their previous baseline?
    Hey Damon, I’ve crashed from an SSRI (don’t even have PFS). The protocol works, and there have been documented cases of recovery/partial recovery with the protocol. I have been having good results, and I believe these two illnesses to be very similar.

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