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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
    First off, this isn’t a PFS post. I’m just explaining an experience of mine. If you’ve never had a bad reaction from methylated vitamins that caused you lasting distress, this doesn’t apply to you at all. I would have gotten this reaction with or without PFS, they aren’t related. This won’t cure your PFS and is not intended in any way to distract you from the protocol via TMO, which is the whole point of this place.

    I get a lot of guys reaching out to me over my methylfolate (B9) reaction last year. I also have noticed that there is a ton of posts on propeciahelp from guys who got far worse from methylated vitamins. I want to make this post as a resource for people in the future, because this would have been extremely beneficial for me last year. If you search through my threads, I had a particularly bad crash with methylfolate that sent me to the hospital. It was agonizing, and it lasted upwards of 6 months. I ended up figuring out what happened upon doing a ton of research, and fixed the issue overnight once I pinpointed it. I’m going to go over my experience, and what I did to fix it. I’m NOT saying you should go ahead and do any of this, I’m just sharing my experience and everything I did.

    I began taking b vitamins, and learned about methylated vitamins, and thought I’d give it a go. Without doing any research, or learning about my genetics I took methylfolate. Day 1 was fantastic. My anhedonia lifted, I felt great, brain fog improved, and I was going to keep taking it. Around day 2 or 3 is where shit went bad.

    I began feeling more weird than usual. And then after I ate my normal lunch of chicken and vegetables, I got the most intense, agonizing panic attack of my life, and it literally felt like I was crawling out of skin. Or like I was set on fire. This was made a million times worse after eating ANYTHING with folate in it. Broccoli, asparagus, spinach, even blueberries, all made me way way worse. There’s a reason for that.

    My PFS symptoms intensified by 5x overnight. I had intense derealization to the point of not recognizing my family and friends, dementia type brain fog, severe anxiety, anhedonia, my dick literally was dead, racing heart, insomnia, exercise intolerance, food intolerances with severe anxiety, my vision went haywire and looked distorted, I had a yellow tint in my vision/dim vision, and a few more. It was a nightmare. The first night I also was sprinting down the street because my anxiety was so intense that I felt I needed to run. I had a severe flu for a few weeks, and a white coated tongue/dry mouth. Upon research, I found similar experiences on propeciahelp, Reddit, and Phoenix rising. Tons of warnings against methylated vitamins and crazy, lasting experiences. I even saw a user from propeciahelp, named Douglasmich, on Phoenix Rising asking for guidance as he’d fallen into a methyltrap, and was stuck. That user, to my understanding, ended up committing suicide. I’m not sure if methyltrap or methylfolate had anything to do with that, but I’ll admit I was suicidal during my methylfolate crash. That’s why I want to create this post, it’s very fixable. I wish he could have saw this, because I think his issue was paradoxical folate deficiency, due to the intense folate from food intolerances.

    I started reading Phoenix Rising, and a user named Freddd cured his CFS using methylb12. I read everything he had to say. This eventually taught me about methyltrap, and paradoxical folate deficiency, which was my issue.

    Methyltrap- not enough Methylb12 was taken in conjunction with methylfolate, causing the folate to become trapped. Meaning you need more Mb12. Methylb12 acts as a vehicle to Methylfolate, and helps deliver it to where it needs to go.

    Paradoxical folate deficiency- too small amount of folate taken to continue healing, causing depletion of folate and a deficiency on a cellular level. In my case, being MTHFR 677ct, I was already deficient in folate since my body doesn’t convert it well, so once I took methylfolate (without B12), it kickstarted healing too quickly, and depleted all of my folate stores. Taking small amounts of folate will make this more severe, which is why eating broccoli would trigger severity of symptoms for me.

    I’ll link a few different threads where you can read what Freddd had to say and he goes into depth about it for yourself, and I’ll just explain how I fixed it for myself.

    In my understanding, the process of methylation depletes stores of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Which is why you need to stock up on them beforehand. I took Nature Made B complex with C (contains no folate or B12), along with calcium, magnesium, Vit A, E, fish oil for about a week to replenish my stores of these. Then I bought country life MethylB12 (Freddd recommendation) along with Solger Metafolin 1000 mcg. I was going to test methyltrap first, then paradoxical folate deficiency next.

    Let me make this clear, I was absolutely MORTIFIED to try this. The thought of taking another methylated vitamin scared the hell out of me, but my condition was so bad that I was desperate.

    First, I took my b complex, 1000 mcg of metafolin, then waited about 10 min and put the Mb12 under my top lip to absorb. No difference. I did this for a few days, but it made me a little worse. Although the mb12 helped a bit I felt. If methyl trap is your issue, you’ll start to feel relief from the b12, 1000 mcg a day is enough to fix methyltrap.

    My only option left was to try Freddd’s recommendation for paradoxical folate deficiency, so that’s what I did. Folate is weird where as the more you take, the less bad you feel. There’s a reason that Deplin, a medication for depression, is literally 7500 MCG of methylfolate. They added enough to get past the start up effects you’d feel with less folate. I needed to gradually titrate up until the side effects stopped. This is due to deficiency rapidly occurring, until I got enough of it to stop it. I didn’t believe this, I thought there was no way that could possibly be true, and I thought he was crazy.

    That day, I took the B complex, then I started with 5 Metafolins, then waited a while and put the Mb12 under my lip. I felt my anxiety start to intensify a bit, so I took 5 more metafolin. I did this for a while, taking 5 more at a time, until I had taken about 25 capsules of metafolin. I think I took like 30 total, and as soon as I took the final 5, I had IMMEDIATE relief. No more anxiety, derealization, all gone. I then took a little more B12 and about an hour later took some Niacin to demethyate myself. Niacin soaks up your methyl groups, so it’s required to take that afterwards.

    From then on I had no more of those issues. I have done this a handful of times while experimenting with Methylated vitamins. I’ve taken up to 120,000 MCG (120 pills, an entire bottle) in a day of Methylfolate. Don’t try that, I don’t recommend it, but I am just stating it to show that it won’t harm you by taking higher amounts. If you’re stuck in a methylation experience from hell, this is some info that might be of help to you.

    Now I can take methylated vitamins as needed, although I don’t usually. My recommendation would be to maybe avoid them in general, I don’t think they’re necessary to recover.

    Notes: DON’T forget to supplement with potassium while taking methylated vitamins. Methyl vitamins deplete potassium, you’ll want “No Salt” or just potassium chloride, take it as needed and don’t overdo it. This is HUGE. Don’t take it too close to methylfolate because it disrupts absorption.

    TL;DR: methyltrap: you need more B12 to release pent up folate that got stuck in your cells. Paradoxical folate deficiency: you need more folate, take folate until symptoms stop along with B12 to help transport the folate where it needs to go. Take b complex with C, along with other vitamins before hand, always take methylb12 and methylfolate together, never one without the other. Take potassium during and after. Finish with Niacin to demethylate.

    Link- How to untrap a methyl trap | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums

    Recognizing Paradoxical Folate Deficiency in Papers | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums

    methyl trap please help | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums

    Note: I’m not a medical professional, this isn’t advice, this post is only sharing my experience with a methylated B vitamin crash, and the steps I took to fix it.

    Note: this will not cure your PFS. It was an entirely different condition, ON TOP of my PFS. Once I fixed this, I returned to my normal PFS, which I am fixing with the protocol via TMO.

    I’m going to leave this here for future reference and to hopefully be of help to someone in the future.
    I was taking vit B12 (as methlycobalamin dicalcium phosphate) and Folate (as L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate). I took these for 2 weeks straight in a elemental diet shake, then I crashed. Could these be the cause?

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jado View Post
    I was taking vit B12 (as methlycobalamin dicalcium phosphate) and Folate (as L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate). I took these for 2 weeks straight in a elemental diet shake, then I crashed. Could these be the cause?
    Could be, if your issues went away I wouldn’t worry about it.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
    Could be, if your issues went away I wouldn’t worry about it.
    Oh, no. I'm still in the middle of this nightmare. I did the diet that include those methylated vitamins for 2 weeks and felt ok. Then a few days later the symptoms started. Crushing/crippling anxiety, constipation, insomnia, derealization, brain fog, and intermittent joint pain. Is there a way to know for sure if this is the cause of this crashing? Also, I read your entire post but am a little unclear on what exactly you did to get out.

    If it's methyltrap: I just need to take B12 (methyl B12?) to release folate until I feel better?

    If it's Paradoxical Folate Deficiency: More folate with B12 (methyl B12?) until symptoms subside?

    Are metafolins just folate?

    Any guidance you can give is greatly appreciated. This seems like it could be my issue.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jado View Post
    Oh, no. I'm still in the middle of this nightmare. I did the diet that include those methylated vitamins for 2 weeks and felt ok. Then a few days later the symptoms started. Crushing/crippling anxiety, constipation, insomnia, derealization, brain fog, and intermittent joint pain. Is there a way to know for sure if this is the cause of this crashing? Also, I read your entire post but am a little unclear on what exactly you did to get out.

    If it's methyltrap: I just need to take B12 (methyl B12?) to release folate until I feel better?

    If it's Paradoxical Folate Deficiency: More folate with B12 (methyl B12?) until symptoms subside?

    Are metafolins just folate?

    Any guidance you can give is greatly appreciated. This seems like it could be my issue.
    It’s complicated stuff. Sounds a bit like my experience. I waited like 6 months to do anything about it to see if my body would correct it, nothing changed so I knew. Also my biggest sign that I had a paradoxical folate deficiency was my inability to eat folate at all, spinach, broccoli, green juice or anything like that would send me spiraling. I’d try and eat some broccoli, if you feel fine then you aren’t dealing with that. I’d also wait a while to see if your body adjusts out of it, people crash on all sorts of shit. My crash sent me to the hospital, it was extremely abrupt and obvious. There’s a chance the vitamins just don’t agree with your PFS.

    And no not exactly, read the post carefully. I did a fuck ton of research before taking the risky step I took. I just don’t feel comfortable discussing too much on this thread because it brings confusion to the forum and makes people think this is how you cure PFS when it’s a totally different issue. You can PM me if you want
    Last edited by Turnover25; 10-29-2021 at 05:03 PM.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
    It’s complicated stuff. Sounds a bit like my experience. I waited like 6 months to do anything about it to see if my body would correct it, nothing changed so I knew. Also my biggest sign that I had a paradoxical folate deficiency was my inability to eat folate at all, spinach, broccoli, green juice or anything like that would send me spiraling. I’d try and eat some broccoli, if you feel fine then you aren’t dealing with that. I’d also wait a while to see if your body adjusts out of it, people crash on all sorts of shit. My crash sent me to the hospital, it was extremely abrupt and obvious. There’s a chance the vitamins just don’t agree with your PFS.

    And no not exactly, read the post carefully. I did a fuck ton of research before taking the risky step I took. I just don’t feel comfortable discussing too much on this thread because it brings confusion to the forum and makes people think this is how you cure PFS when it’s a totally different issue. You can PM me if you want
    Thank you for this, Turnover.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  6. #36
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    @Turnover25 Ok, I have to admit this is a lot to process, still not expert about this kind of shit.
    I have mthfr too, my total b12 levels in blood are abnormally high and from my understanding this is because my body can't convert it in the active form so it just overaccumulate like that.
    Can you confirm?
    Also I wuold like to ask you; so if I want to adress my c667t what should I do for avoid to kill myself? Start taking methylb12 and methylfolate at the same time?
    Any suggestion on initial dosage?
    Sorry for coming out of nowhere on your thread but I may need your knowledge ;-)
    Thank you man

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by thisworld View Post
    @Turnover25 Ok, I have to admit this is a lot to process, still not expert about this kind of shit.
    I have mthfr too, my total b12 levels in blood are abnormally high and from my understanding this is because my body can't convert it in the active form so it just overaccumulate like that.
    Can you confirm?
    Also I wuold like to ask you; so if I want to adress my c667t what should I do for avoid to kill myself? Start taking methylb12 and methylfolate at the same time?
    Any suggestion on initial dosage?
    Sorry for coming out of nowhere on your thread but I may need your knowledge ;-)
    Thank you man
    I don’t personally know if MTHFR has anything to do with B12, from my understanding it’s more related to folate, as in FR (Folate Reductase) if your blood levels of B12 are high I don’t think that means your body can’t convert it.

    I’d avoid these vitamins in a PFS state, the whole point of this post was because I was C667t as well and got colossally fucked from them, and how to reverse that crash. I’d avoid it all together, you don’t need them to recover, and my life was always fine without them before all this.

  8. #38
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    I can't believe i took seroquel what a ducking gimp

  9. #39
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    I Sherri drink bottles of vitamins every day and get a head in
    If disjunction transmit when hungover and wank al! Day producing good loads

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