
Continuing Kale smoothie ( frozen berries, dark cherries, aloe vera, kale, grapefruit, almonds ) with 5 Humapro tabs. I'll sip this throughout the begining of my day, and take another 5 tabs of Humapro.

Later on I will have 4 whole eggs, with a small piece of chicken with marinera sauce ( organic sauce ), not sure about the chicken though.

Later on I have a large chicken breast and a handfull of raw almonds.

Later on I sip on 30g of Peptopro and 5g of Leucine.

Later i'll have 25g of iso whey, before I drive home. I'm trying to use all this up, before I switch up to to cold filtered, as I want to adopt most of what John Meadows has mentioned.

Dinner at home. Sometimes it's more chicken. Sometimes it's with pasta, which I have been trying different kinds, spinach pasta, stuff like that.

Okay, so I have not lifted since November, and last night I said "fuck it", and went to the gym. Rocked a circuit of Triceps to Biceps, and to catch my breath, I threw in hyper extensions and machine crunches in-between. No rest. My god it felt good. I made a shake with Carbonx ( 1 scoop ), 20g Peptopro, 5g Leucine, 1g Citruline, 2g Creatine HCL. 20 minutes before drinking this and going to the gym, I took some Agmatine. The pump was awesome, and I could not reach behind my neck afterwords.

I'm tempted to post some progress pics, but i'm super self-conscious of my body

Edit: Oh and last night after the gym, I stayed up late and did not want to eat, but I was so hungry, so I ate a bowl of Cottage Cheese. Pretty plain and hard to eat, but I just shoveled it in, chewed and swallowed.