Yep Tren and EPI by PN. The Tren is just like BL's Trenabol..And the Epi should be like a better version of Havoc.

The PCT product again, Mike specifically designed for this board in mind...he said it was something several people here wanted, and that you guys would be very pleased with it...My minimal understanding is Tudca based, but even better. He has not told me exactly and truthfully I am not involved in any part of the production process... I do have faith that if he says, it's going to be good..then it is. Not one product PN has, has ever disappointed me.

I will pass on the suggestions to Mike The Probiotic is a solid idea. Especially in powder form, that would be awesome. I will pass that on too.

As for Epi being poor man's var..if that is true I will use this stuff regularly!!