I have a very good friend with UC. He is in his mid 40s and has managed it with diet mostly, over the years. I believe he developed it in his late teens or early 20s, so he's lived with it over 20 years. He tries to avoid the corticosteroids (i.e., prednisone), but has had a few serious flare ups where the doc forced it on him. Whereas he has tried to go the route of clean eating, digestive enzymes, probiotics, etc, his brother who is also affected by UC went the drug route. Over a similar span of time, his brother has had part of his colon removed, as the drugs dont last forever (along with causing other problems) and since then he may be looking at surgery again in the near future.

He has a book written by a guy who nearly died and ate his way back to a healthy body. The book details a step by step approach to reducing the inflammation, letting the colon rest/heal, and ways to maintain good intestinal health. It's not a "cure", but a guidebook to reducing or eliminating the flare ups. If memory serves me right, the author was a bodybuilder. I'll call up my friend and get that book title for you.

As far as anabolics with UC, I think there are a couple of factors. Firstly, methyls are hard on the body overall, though some are more concerning than others, and dosage size will be a factor. Secondly, I am pretty sure that Anavar has been used with UC/IBS to help with tissue healing (inflamed colon tissue) as well as to help gain weight for those who suffer from this condition. I'm not talking about high doses... I seem to remember 5-10mg/day, so enough to help, but not so much that the liver melts from the methylation.