Quote Originally Posted by nate3993 View Post
i was already looking into meditation and the power of thought bfor i started taking this. but since taking this, i seem to keep seeing more and more and talking to people more and more about just how powerful our minds are and how much power our minds have over reality.

for example. in the gym. just recently, i've noticed, and this sounds minimal, but if i start to think to that i'm not gonna have enough energy to get from that 7th rep to that 10th one, it won't happen. period. but when i say to myself. this is going to happen. your are going to get there, and thats it, i get there. sounds stupid and minimal, which it is minimal, but what if instead of "i'm going to get to that 10th rep" it's "i'm going to go make a million dollars" or something else.

but it comes down to this. our mind absolutely does have power over reality and the conscious world. this is true. i know this is true, and believe it with every fiber in my being. do we not have a 6th sense? our gut feeling? who here hasn't at one time or another had the feeling someone was staring at them, looked around, and sure as shit someone's staring at you. the gut feeling? that's because our stomachs house our 2nd brain. there is a mass of tissues in our stomach that can only be classified as a 2nd brain. that's actually where we get that gut feeling from. this is proven. go research it.
I have a shirt from MuscleCh3mistry that says, "train your mind, to build your body"..people always ask me what it means and I try to explain the mind/muscle connection.

I have to say that my experiences competing in Strongman truly opened my eyes to the potential of human strength. I went from doing 600lb yoke to 1000lb yoke in a month, simply because I was assured I could do it. Even now in contests I have learned to have my training partners or friends "walk me through" my events and talk to me..or reassure me. The second I fail mentally, but I hear someone I trust. I get the weight..every time.

Second was becoming a parent. The mental connection you get as a parent is nothing short of miraculous IMO.

All of it has made me more then sure that there is far greater connection of the mind to the body and universe then we ever may know.

Anyways, nice log..still following. Question though, does this product make you "fall asleep"? For example I struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep. Only product that ever worked for me was ambien. Would you recommend this product for that??