Hi Coppersocks,

My advice to you is this as follows as my situation is very similiar to yours and I am also based in Ireland.

1. Get off all other forums relating to finasteride side effects like propecia help, HairLossTalk etc Do not look at them, they will set you back no end and will seriously damage your psychological state at this stage, you need hope now, this site will give you hope. I seriously fucked myself up reading those sites, most mean well but there are guys there determined to believe that PFS is permanent and that you are fucked for life, every scientific post they write just goes round in a circle and that's why many have been logging in for years, they will never get better with that mindset. they shoot down any posts suggesting otherwise, a negative circle jerk. Stay away. I read a post from the guy English stating something similiar. I truly believe that if men got hit with PFS and found Swole Source first instead of Propecia Help there would be far more recoveries. I trawled through that shit for months before I found Swole Source so you've done well finding it early on. The negative stories can imprint on your brain leading men to believe it's all over, it's not.

2. Get on the protocol asap, I have introduced elements and am gearing up to go full on, it's already helping me

3. Don't drink alcohol and no fap for now. Very important.

Again for me I took ten steps backwards before I got here so you can avoid that. I spent a fortune on docs first few months and spoke to Dr Rynne but I believe here is the way to go man, doctors did not help me. Dr Rynne means well but again I nearly had a total meltdown when I read some of his posts online as in you are doomed and it's permanent. I think he looks at TRT and drug treatment but again here is the way to go.

To wrap up stay positive, believe it's only temporary and just hang here until you get better.

Good luck
