Sorry guys, I didn't get any emails so I figured no one was interested. So... since there is some interest...

Starting weight: 160
Current weight: 167

I am 5 weeks into the cycle now. My diet is the same every day, except for a couple times eating out a week to keep things interesting. I also take super cissus which keeps me injury free, amazingly. Other than that, aromasin 6.75mg ed, lots of water, fish oil, etc.

Breakfast: 4 egg whites, 1 whole
1 medium sweet potato, steamed

Preworkout shake(~25g whey)


Post workout shake (~45g whey)

chicken breast, 1/2 cup cooked brown rice

chicken breast, 3/4 cup cooked brown rice, broccoli, almonds

Snacks: always consist of mixed nuts, or straight almonds

I haven't gotten on a nutritional calculator yet, because I get caught up in minutae sooooper easily and have found this is working for me. I don't eat more than 30g carbs at a time unless it is around my workout and when I need to fill up glycogen stores night before a workout, really. So as you can see, I am gaining weight on close to no calories and nutrient dense food. Pics will show I am not holding any extra water(extra weight is the enemy is climbing). So, I have learned so far that any bloat can be attributed to diet.

Anyway, just got back from the gym. I have more energy than I ever have, which I suppose says something at 22. Bouldering and climbing are just as much mental and experiential as they are physical, so I will not be quantifying my results by climbing x amount of V10 problems, and so on. Instead, I'll be gauging results according to power and power endurance gains. I'll be taking this out to 15-16 weeks, so I still have plenty of fun ahead. Goal is to basically casually crush what my limit is now by the end of the cycle. And a back shot: (Cmon guys don't make me show my bird chest haha)