Committing to a 14 day water fast starting next Thursday, then break it with a two week juice feast.

I am so ready to beat this thing. Feeling calm and zen today, and the brain fog brought on by my 3 day water fast last week has subsided.

Landed a huge client for my e-commerce business yesterday and my mood has been awesome ever since. I'm stepping away from the business to focus on recovery (should have done it ages ago), and decided I'm going to drive Uber for a while until I'm ready to get back into 'work'.

CD/the veterans - I'm very wary of turning this place into a hypochondriac cesspit, I just want to ask a couple of quick questions which are not at all related to your symptoms/PFS.

- What did you do for work during your recovery? What did your typical day look like, outside of the protocol?
- What is optimal time to be in the gym? Previously I think I've burnt myself out a bit by spending an hour at a time in there.
- Last time I attempted the protocol, I made it to the pro-hormone phase, did a 6 week cycle, then the PCT did nothing for me and I crashed big time. Full estrogen uptick, crying, weak, brain fogged. Is this normal for every one, or do I need to introduce something other than the natural PCT which was recommended? Or should I hold off on the pro-hormones next time until I've increased my T? Previous attempt I introduced them at the 2.5 month mark.

I know CD has done wayyyy more than his fair share to help us here, so anyone else who's pretty far along/recovered I'd love to hear your thoughts too.
