Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
I can not take the pine pollen because I have a pine pollen allergy. I got severe skin rashes and swollen ankles and fingers. And it did not agree with my stomach.
Although I could definitely feel the effect from the pine pollen. Which other herb would you advice to take daily instead if maca isn't a good option.

I did a 2.5day juice feast 3 months ago and also did a 2.5 day water fast 5 months ago or so. 'Why won't you be able to do it for a whole year?'
Financial problems. Currently living in a home without a kitchen. And I do not know when im able to get a proper home with kitchen.

I know it is not the BEST way to go about it. But that is the max I can do as of right now. I hope you understand.
Listen, it is what it is. I can only guide you in this journey and tell you what works and what doesn't work. We all know what needs to be done. It's just a matter of you DOING IT. That's it. You don't NEED to take any herb daily. There was a reason that pine pollen was the one that works best on a daily basis but it's not 100% necessary to take it daily. Don't get hung up on it. Do the protocol the best you can, just know that despite your circumstances, the results are based on staying true to it 100%.....results will reflect that. unfortunately pfs doesn't give a shit about what we have going on in our lives right now. You will ultimately get out of it what you put in. Period.