Quote Originally Posted by xxaleksi View Post
You're telling me I'll be able to feel almost like this naturally? I was already feeling supremely confident before the cycle, more so than ever before in my life, but this is on another level entirely. That sounds fantastic.

I'll definitely keep an eye on those symptoms. I'm also getting a little DHT from the 1-2 pumps of UH as well as the androsterone in the Alpha Four product, so I'd imagine that helps prevent at least some of the E conversion.

I have the creatine HCL powder from Kaged Muscle that you used to recommend some time ago. Haven't used it in a year or so though. Perhaps I'll give it another go and see how I feel.

Thanks for the tips as always.
Hahaha you keep saying you’re basically recovered but you’re still running cycles and seem to be awaiting for other signs before stamping the recovery board? I’m curious what’s causing the pause and more cycles before hitting the victory bell? Awaiting your first recovery threesome?

Also, quick question - was it after a few cycles when your muscles/physique just stuck around? I have weeks when I get better pumps, body looks improved/firmer, face looking good, and then BAM, body and face look soft/weak with very little pump. You experience this? Amazing how the body/look can differ so rapidly for me haha