Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
I haven't gotten shit.
I ran the math on one settlement of 562 cases, for $4.3 milllion.

A non-math person might say: “Wow, that’s a lot of money!”

A math person would say: “Yikes, only $7,651?”

But remember that (us evil) lawyers take a big cut off the top (otherwise 99% of them wouldn’t have bothered suing.) So the real number is going to be closer to $5k. Any person here would have gladly paid $5k or $10k or $50k to have not gotten PFS, so $5k compensation is a joke.

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It seems like on the high end, they might get $5k. Apparently that’s all a man’s sexual and mental functioning are worth. Oh and we can throw in another $1k if there’s genital disfigurement. Dudes with their dicks literally rotated 180 degrees get an extra thousand bucks. (Thankfully I never got that side effect.) Literally getting prostate or breast cancer from fin is an extra $5k. Cancer.

I believe in class action suits for holding big companies accountable (although $4.3m to Merck is like you or me dropping a penny and not picking it up,) but usually only the law firm partners make money off of them.

If Merck had to really compensate PFS survivors, they should pay all the medical bills for the tests and treatments, doctor’s appointments, lost work, loss of consortium (legal jargon for “I can’t bang my spouse because of this injury”), etc. If they had to cut every PFS survivor a check for three hundred grand, it wouldn’t make up for the damage they caused, but it would teach Merck a lesson in the only language they understand - money.

Fuck Merck.