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  1. #1
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Second biggest regret

    Okay, first post here in a while. Honestly been busy enjoying life and such. I don’t spend too much time on here as I used to. This was the first year I got to enjoy most of the year since crashing. For most of us, our biggest regret in life is taking fin/dut... but honestly a damn close second for me is not getting on the protocol earlier. And not just the protocol but overall healthier living.

    Unexpectedly, I did some progress evaluation with myself as I was watching the fall sunset here in the north east. I was a fuckin suicidal mess, not just a suicidal mess but a mess everywhere, when I first crashed, which just so happened to be in the fall so I guess that’s why I was thinking about it. And the reason why I say my second biggest regret is not getting on the protocol and such, is because I definitely would have felt better sooner, certainly been further along than I am now.

    I’m not fully recovered yet but holy shit, I would have given a limb back then For even this current level of satisfaction with life.

    Keep pushing y’all, just wanted to give you guys some motivation and even share some of thoughts that I don’t tell anyone else I know. You guys always listen so I appreciate that. Appreciate any and all progress you make fam.

  2. #2
    Established Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) tallstraw's Avatar
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    you would have given a limb, eh? What if it was your penis?

    check and mate.

    Also, good for the being positive. Never had PFS, but I did break my dick which took like 18mo to heal lol. Similar symptoms and recovery times. So I get where the negativity comes from.. but PFS group can be particularly depressive. So it's good to see some positivity.
    Last edited by tallstraw; 11-13-2021 at 12:40 PM.

  3. #3
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    This was a happy post, lol you're making me regret not getting my shit together yet! I'm running the fast over Christmas, then I'll get on it. But I'm lucky enough to have made some real improvements also up to now, so I feel you on that gratitude of looking back now vs those early "horror days."

  4. #4
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jinstewart View Post
    This was a happy post, lol you're making me regret not getting my shit together yet! I'm running the fast over Christmas, then I'll get on it. But I'm lucky enough to have made some real improvements also up to now, so I feel you on that gratitude of looking back now vs those early "horror days."
    Not suffering enough to "get your shit together?"
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    Not suffering enough to "get your shit together?"
    Rather make the best go of it when I know I can commit. Fast first, do it properly, then attack it.

    Have made some real improvements to be honest up to now, but not keen on playing around with hormones etc anymore, I'd rather do this.

  6. #6
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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