Quote Originally Posted by markuss View Post
Is a good way of thinking about the protocol to get as muscular and ripped as possible? Does the increased muscle mass positively affect 5 alpha reductase enzyme activity? Or should this program be looked at as a general health routine, not so much focused on getting as big and lean as possible.

Considering this is a bodybuilding forum it seems that this perspective would make sense. I also recall a recovery, on PH i think, where the user said they loosely followed the protocol and then did a steroid cycle. He said the way to think about all this is to become like a bodybuilder.

Any thoughts?
As it's creator......the purpose, is as it's name implies....To totally optimize today's men. This can mean different things to different people as far as "why" , but for me, it's freedom from worry about doctors and prescriptions.....feeling vibrant, almost every day. Constant, stable confident mood. Happy, relaxed, dominant and ooze sexuality. This happens without trying when you make the protocol your life.

Not to mention, when in an optimized state, you won't be sick so what ever your ailment or unbalanced ness you may be dealing with, will naturally, go away over time

Body building is definitely a tweak on the protocol but it works just the same.