Whatsup bud,

I have been better, but I've been worse. From October to March was absolutely brutal, and I'm grateful to be alive. Unfortunately TMO wasn't helping anymore, and I was getting worse and worse. And I humbly think I am the most disciplined guy here, so it wasn't a lack of trying.

I spent hundreds of hours reading and trying to correlate my new symptoms, and everything pointed to gut dysbiosis and methylation block. I've recently been working with a great doctor in the US, which confirmed both. This explains why I developed new symptoms (exercise intolerance, muscle wasting,insomnia) and all my usual symptoms worsened. It also explains why TMO wasn't cutting it for me anymore. Some gut issues can be fixed with fasts and diet, but methylation blocks absolutely cannot. And in fact, a methylation block will predispose you to gut issues, so I have to address both.

So basically I did all the groundwork, and I will be treating my gut for the next months, after which I will run a methylation panel and support methylation if needed. Taking methylation support with a bad gut is a bad idea, so gotta do it in this order.

I am really glad that my specific issues (which I don't want to confuse the forum with) have been confirmed by a reputable doctor. People here were doubtful that a single B vitamin could trigger such a mess, but my test results clearly show anomalies, and the sequence of events linking the B vitamin, the gut issues, the methylation block and the mitochondrial dysfunction can be explained. Once these issues are taken care of, the protocol's efficiency will be insane and I will ramp up the healing.

As for the ears, I am still unable to live a ''normal'' life sound-wise as I could before the dentist. I still shower with ear-plugs, and I can't work in person at the office. But I made huge progress. From not tolerating my own voice, to being able to listen to music, go to class and go to the supermarket sometimes. I know the issue is not purely physical, because I can lower the sensitivity by taking a specific kind of magnesium that blocks NMDA receptors.

Sorry for getting all technical, I'm just trying to give a representative answer. I really had no choice but to learn all that bullshit, but I can see a way out. I can't wait to nuke these issues and get back to the good ol' TMO savage mode everyday.

Just read your latest post, I am so glad for you man. I'll be going away from the forums for a few months so I might not reply. On top of fixing my gut, I have to pass the Quebec Bar this fall, so big work ahead. If everything works out, I will be a lawyer with a healthier gut by January. And after another year on TMO, I should be dangerously close to my mythical ''Hide your daughter'' season. Take care man, sending you good vibes