For me I have found they are two different things..extreme wise...

When I compete in Strongman or PLing, or Highland Games, I have to keep my reps under 5 for every exercise to get optimal results. Even small muscle groups I am just hitting as heavy as humanly possible for 5 reps..I don't train too much for Singles/Doubles, even though it would help me in PLing...I never take it overly serious...But I think if you want a record or certain goal then you have to.

For BBing, I train higher reps, moderate weights. Like on squats my legs get huge when I do sets of 20 and do 1-2x per week but after a few months of this training, my overall heavy strength on squats comes down...My conditioning goes up. Likewise biceps and traps i train 2-3x per week reps of 20+ and they get huge but weaker overall.

So I would argue if you stayed moderate weights and moderate reps you could get a combination of both..but not optimal Strength, nor optimal Size. I'd say you have to choose one if you want to be the biggest or the strongest..but if you just want to look good and be strong,do both

I am a firm believe that how you train your body reps wise has everything to do with your bodies current performance.

For example..I have been training for strength only for 2 years...I can hit 600+ for a few strong reps easily on squat..but if you ask me to do breathing heavy, legs cramping, struggling to do more then that, etc..Mind you I remember doing 225 for reps of 40-50 my bodybuilding days. And I would struggle to hit 500 for a few reps. Go figure.