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Thread: SHBG questions

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    I've run half the dose of AHv3 for four months straight at one point and when I came off I could have easily went without a PCT. I always feel it's in your best interest to do the PCT for a variety of reasons. For me though, I loved the way I felt on PCT. The extra boost is always nice and it helps to bring your system back to a nice high set point.
    OK good, that makes sense. Clearly at 300mg of actives i should not worry at all about it then. I will do the PCT as my currently high T levels have only been the case for 2 months, not long enough to bed in yet so i will not be taking any chances.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
    Unfortunately, I cannot answer to your question as I dont know enough about any of the prohormones, and I dont like them either and one of the reasons is that things like "800 mg of actives" dont mean anything to me- how much 100 mg or 800 mg will raise DHT levels and how much supression there will be? Your guess is as good as mine, and on top of that not sure if effect is the same on average Joe and on someone who used fina? I really dont know...

    What I can tell you is that DHT is supressive, and it depends not just on dosage but also from person to person- I've seen bloodworks with proviron and 25 mg was very mild on some people and mild-to-moderate on others, I think most common effect is that in people with low testosterone levels get less supression than those with higher levels.

    From personal experience- I used proviron and masteron- proviron at 25 mg and I did not feel that my HPTA was completely shut, recovery was swift, reason why I used proviron was I had gyno (as result of high E2) and it help to shrink gyno but otherwise other benefits were either insignificant or non-existent.

    With masteron was different story- benefits were much more prounounced in every aspect but also sides effect were notable (big time night sweats, hairloss) and HPTA recovery was quite slow- while on proviron I was completely back on track after week with OTC with masteron with proper PCT it took 4 or 5 weeks, cannot remember exact time and details.
    Anyway- you did get point of what I was sayin'- it depends from potency of what are you using.

    My personal advice if you going to use than use stuff that is well tested, maybe to try andractim? At least that way you can roughly tell how much you are taking.

    As for cycle-PCT-cyle-PCT in my honest opinion, that is nonsense- maybe once or two cycles, after that -either you go natural or you go HRT, because from my experiences more cycles results in lower testosterone levels. Lot of people will disagree with me, but AFAIK there are not many people who done lot of cycles that are OK with their natural hormone levels.

    Anyway, regarding cycle-pct- this is my formula: (time on cycle+ PCT) X 2= time off
    there is older bb formula which says: time on cycle=PCT; time on cycle+ PCt= time off
    Thank you Jel, i agree that the point of PCT is to get yourself back on track naturally. The point of the post fin guys doing this is based on cd's recovery and the studies that show the presence of additional DHT promotes greater AR5 activity (ie upregulates own DHT production) - something like that anyway.
    This is my first cycle and i can feel the benefits for sure even on this low dose and i am only doing it for 4 weeks. I will take at least twice the time off after PCT as i have plenty of time on my hands now.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
    The effect (among other stuff) depends on active/half life- for example if one uses testosterone suspension he will feel effect after few hours, if using test propionate it will be day or two... etc or if one is using T3 he can feel effect in few hours, but if one is using T4 because of long half life it takes few weeks to reach stable lasma levels and "feel"- when starting T4 people do blood test after 4-5 weeks, while on T3 usally it clears off in less than half a day.
    And most of DHT based PHS have a relatively short active life so effect can be felt quite fast, and short half life is probably one of reason why shutdown is not as bad as with lot of other stuff.
    Understood, Jel, do you know the answer to my question on Estrogen following cessation of exemestane? How long does it take for E levels to recover? I know the half life is 24hrs for the drug, but with it being suicidal obviously the aromatase enzymes will need time to rebuild and produce E - but how long does it take for E to spike following cessation? I am guessing a week to 10 days?

  4. #124
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    Understood, Jel, do you know the answer to my question on Estrogen following cessation of exemestane? How long does it take for E levels to recover? I know the half life is 24hrs for the drug, but with it being suicidal obviously the aromatase enzymes will need time to rebuild and produce E - but how long does it take for E to spike following cessation? I am guessing a week to 10 days?
    Around 5 days to week to get back to normal levels as exemestane has short half life. Question how far, and quick will E2 go depends from lot of factors, but there is nor rebound effect. So you may be back to same story as before or there may be some improvement.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
    Around 5 days to week to get back to normal levels as exemestane has short half life. Question how far, and quick will E2 go depends from lot of factors, but there is nor rebound effect. So you may be back to same story as before or there may be some improvement.
    OK, thanks for that Jel, I suppose the rebound effect people talk about with other AI's is due to the fact they are not suicidal, so when you quit a non suicidal AI, the moment the majority is out of the system, the spiked T levels aromatase creating the rebound, whereas with a suicidal AI your body has to create new aromatase enzymes so that would graduate the response - that's my guess anyway.

    By the way - regards your previous comments on Masteron/Proviron etc. - I agree with what you say, the trouble is i am not good at taking meds/pharma. It stresses me out and in doing so causes more harm than good. It took me months to get used to the idea of doing a cycle of pro hormones and now i am on them, even if the dose is just lucky, i guess it doesn't matter much because i have felt an improvement and i am pretty sure i am not shutting down. So i am going to keep it simple and stick with an occasional cycle of Alpha Hard/Andro Hard V3 - keeping at least double the time off in between.
    I already have some level of belief in doing this as CD recovered doing it, and from what i've learned so far, belief is half the battle.

    So after this cycle i'm gunna do a natty PCT including one week of fairly high dose non-suicidal AI, then nothing for a week (allowing E to spike) then down to the lowest dose yet of 6.5mg twice a week aromasin for 3 months. This will mirror what i did last time that resulted in excellent bloods. I will probably then do another pro hormone cycle which gives my body time off the AI to reset etc.
    Providing bloods hold, on my 3rd cycle of AI, i will replace it with 2mg Res100 every other day and 3mg aromasin twice a week - Res 100 didn't do anything for me previously however i have been training harder recently and i'm putting on muscle fairly easily now, so with muscle up and fat down it might make the subtle difference i need - i will try anyway.
    Thanks again Jel. I have my plan for the next 6 months or so - hopefully it will work as well as the last 3.

  6. #126
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    Hey everyone - meaning CD, Entropy and Jel, I just want to say thanks again for the great support you have given me, i continue to do well and am much better for the support i have had here. By the way CD i am on the next stage of Holosync now ( a couple of weeks early ) but the old stage got to the point where it wasn't doing anything for me. The level one is great, and i love the idea of the positive affirmations (inaudible) being on a loop, it really helps alot - even if just the placebo of thinking i am getting postive shit drummed into me for hours a day - I did feel a little silly recording stuff down the phone for 5 minutes though! I also hope the sound engineers don't get bored and re-record all your affirmations in reverse! - "I am a tit" "I am doomed"..........!!!
    I went on a tangent there, but seriously, if anyone out there is struggling mentally for any reason - try Holosync from centrepoint. A good spot from CD.

    Anyway, thanks guys, i won't be updating so much now as i have a shit load of stuff to do - time to kid T-2months - but i'll be back to update blood results, which i'll be getting every 2 months (if they hold for another 3 times they will be the last ones)

  7. #127
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Good luck with the little one English.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  8. #128
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    Damn man. Time goes so fast, it doesn't feel like all that long ago that you helped inspire me out of that hole and you're two months away from being a Dad. Congrats again bro and congrats for everything else. I've not once seen you complain.
    Cervix stabbing ftw.

  9. #129
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    Congratuation my English bro'!
    All the best!

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    Damn man. Time goes so fast, it doesn't feel like all that long ago that you helped inspire me out of that hole and you're two months away from being a Dad. Congrats again bro and congrats for everything else. I've not once seen you complain.
    I know, and dealing with the shit we have been dealing with, if you get down on yourself too long you can look back and realise that too much has slipped by without using any of it. I was a boy soldier at 16 and the army taught me never to complain - simply no point in it, not for yourself or anyone else. I noted CD had that kind of mindset too which is why i used his words to help me quite alot. You clearly have the same thing going on as i only ever read positive stuff from you - it's no coincidence we three are recovered/almost recovered, we might even have found a cure for it (ie the cure is in your head)
    Anyway, i'll be back lots, just not as often, and for the first time i don't really have any more questions about hormones etc thanks to you guys, so i think it's time to just crack on with the plan and live life.

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