^^^^the best way to eat..........at this point i prob wont ever eat meat in the forseeable future, but anything where the animal can graze and move around, and is fed grass/grain id advocate

besides the cruelty aspect i oppose, id think a cow that is pumped full of drugs, fed feces, and lives a short stressful life, prob isnt the best quality of meat

vegetarian regardless, i buy organic everything when possible, and dairy is from free range grass fed......besides better quality, tastes better, especially the fruit and veggies.......being in the city id say/think its a bit harder for someone tho........passed such a farm on the way back from a lake trip 2hrs north, grabbed a few dozen eggs (collected from the ground off roaming chickens), the eggs tasted somewhat better than the regular stuff i was buying and since switched to buying free run all the time (iv read that alot of eggs contain period blood too lmao, fkn nasty)

few guys on the old pp had access to local farms and even picked the cow and so on, would buy a ton of meat and just freeze it, and altho price is higher, they universally agreed the quality of the meat far exceeded anything packaged and store bought

iv done this the last year or so, buying organic and such, and slowly it has shown in my physique as well as just feels better.......gotta put good stuff in to look good......a big mac may say 20g protein but its no chicken breast (for the meat guys)