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  1. #1
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    We are literally no further forward with this disease than in 2003

    When the Yahoo group was formed

    Theatre is the same TR T if tournaments foreshore libido to lock it in

    Otherwise there is I.only no cure for thisn

    Fucking unbelievable

    That is the horror of this

    That gimp scotsman says that's not true well it ducking is

  2. #2
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Literally g further forward other than TR T

    And many should shut up the because TRy would ha e cured me he seems to think it cured nobody I had a ducking libido for years in minerals until those cunt a ducked me uninstalling seroquel

  3. #3
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    We are much further. You just choose to not to learn or execute.

    TRT doesn't work for everybody. Most guys who do TRT, even if they respond they still have issues. They never feel 100% normal.

    It's insane how you are spamming this forum. Put that energy into yourself and curing it.

    Why do you depend on others to create a solution for you. Even cdsnuts made this protocol himself (with some of the information from the net). It's a sheep mindset you have. Learn to become your own genuine self and create a protocol that works for you.

    You found it once (the zinc stuff). Now you might need to do something different.

  4. #4
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    TR T works if you are recovered basically

    If you have a libido erections and all the test
    It should eh stickies in propecianhell help the dumb cunts

    But because it romantically to them they kept it secret

    Plenty of tr T and hcg recoveries

    Cdnuts never had muscle wastage

    Fasting and shi T it's. All absolute bpllocks

  5. #5
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Cdnuts is. That he stubbornness even had low testosterone he never bed all because you

    - - - Updated - - -

    Listen mate you know I respect and like you and your advice

    But the only protocol available is the don't commit suicide and hope for the best protocol right now.

  6. #6
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    TR T is bigger energy even that French guy got good energy

    Sam fortunate felt like a steroid at first so his knows how try would have felt

  7. #7
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Try works if you have a libido and erections

    Fuck English and fuck all cdnut s propagandists

  8. #8
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Goat View Post
    We are much further. You just choose to not to learn or execute.

    TRT doesn't work for everybody. Most guys who do TRT, even if they respond they still have issues. They never feel 100% normal.

    It's insane how you are spamming this forum. Put that energy into yourself and curing it.

    Why do you depend on others to create a solution for you. Even cdsnuts made this protocol himself (with some of the information from the net). It's a sheep mindset you have. Learn to become your own genuine self and create a protocol that works for you.

    You found it once (the zinc stuff). Now you might need to do something different.
    How do you explain ridership he thing better then?

  9. #9
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Tigershull not ridership

    - - - Updated - - -

    Those dirty orange basard infant ducking believe this those utter cunts

  10. #10
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    You assume TRT would of worked for you when you were doing well on the zinc and stuff. You don't know. The fact that you are so confident it would work is delusional.

    I read Tigershull's story. He didn't seem 100% cured at all. He could live yes, but not cured. Just read his posts. Read his posts on PropeciaHelp. He still had issues. Very clearly.

    This mindset you are in is crazy. It's not based on reality. A lot of people had to work their ass off to get out of PFS. Literally go through hell for years to get out of the darkness that is PFS. Going through massive downswings.

    You were lucky to find something that worked for you temporarily but it only took bad lifestyle and a pharmaceutical to be back in the crapper. Shows you that you did not heal completely and it was a weak foundation.

    The fact you had to use a pharmaceutical to get better shows you, you were not 100% good. Yes you still had a libido, etc. but many people in PFS have these type of periods, even for years. Some people feel good for years and then they do something weird or crazy and they go back into the shitter.

    Now you are here arrogantly proclaiming what works and what does not work but meanwhile you are worse than anyone here. It's unfair yes. But it's time to go back to reality and start making moves to make yourself better. I gave you some tips, other people gave you tips. The information is there.

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