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  1. #1
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    4 years of PFS - my story/progress

    What's up everyone, just coming back on after probably a year or so. Some of you will remember me, some of you have no idea who I am, so here's the short of it:

    So, about 4 years ago, I decided to take a generic version of the POS drug we all know and love
    At the time, I was a very fit, young dude with decent hair but a small receding hairline. I was signed with a modeling mother agency, but I learned quickly that that certainly wasn't gonna go anywhere after I took finasteride.

    The side effects I faced from it were:
    > muscle atrophy (most noticable near the insides of my elbows. Big creases where muscle used to be)
    > big dark circles under my eyes
    > shriveled, flaccid dick
    > looser skin
    > incredibly low energy (which fucked with my weightlifting hard for a while)
    > brain fog (constantly walking into rooms forgetting why I was there, forgetting what I was gonna say mid-sentence, etc)
    > depression/suicidal thoughts

    When I came to these forums probably about 2 years ago, it was a great change from the depressive, spiraling circle of depression and negativity you'd find on other websites like propeciahelp or solvepfs.
    I didn't kick it off real well with some of the members here, because since I didn't suffer from ED (somehow) like the rest of them did, some of them took my concern for my face as trivial, petty bs... but for me, that was one of my biggest concerns. I was supposed to be signed with this modeling agency, but my face felt like it was falling apart, and I was working a job where I had to work with customers face-to-face everyday, and was supposed to act all cheery and happy, but seeing my own reflection during the day would visibly depress and anger the fuck out of me.
    It also didn't help my reputation here since I got into a few arguments with CDN because I was frustrated with his lack of citing any studies - some of his protocol I never really found concrete evidence for to this day, but to the man's credit, with or without him listing all the studies, his protocol has helped many recover. Regardless of these experiences, I still found a lot of hope and positivity here among the forums.

    I did find loads of research backing CDN's claims with herbs, and started buying tons of them. To this day, I still have like 15-20 sitting in my kitchen in various jars.
    The herbs helped me INCREDIBLY. They gave me energy, better mental clarity, and hope. I started going back to the gym and got pretty religious about it again. I went pretty much full paleo (which I still follow) because of all the food allergies and intolerances I learned I had. I quit a job that I fucking. H A T E D. as well, which helped lessen my depression. Even if I was worried about money for a month or so, waking up to something that demeaning wasn't helping my current state of mind. Meditation was helpful as well, as it seemed to keep some of the bad thoughts at bay and chill me out.

    Where I am now:
    So I've been taking the herbs on and off now for about 2 years (currently on them again every day), got a new job, got back into the gym religiously, started taking caffeine about everyday, and started doing YouTube shortly after leaving that miserable job from before. YouTube has surprisingly helped with my depression and energy levels tremendously. It was great for me those 2 years ago, because I was so insecure about my depression and the shit PFS had done to my face that I would stay cooped up in my room alllllllllll the time, so I had just tonssss of time to study and work on it. Luckily though, that gave me something else to focus on other than just myself and all my problems, and now I have +34k subscribers, a couple extra sources of income, and something I can be proud of creating. I'd really encourage any of you to try and find a new hobby or something you can really find value in too, because believe me, it really does help to see value in yourself or something you're doing while going through all this - to give yourself another way to find hope and a reason to keep going - because sitting around, reading these forums alllll the time, and circling through depressive thoughts in your head does NOT.

    So anyways, I'm definitely feeling better these days - not full recovery, but better.
    Current side effects I still face:
    > dark eye circles
    > creases still where muscle used to be around elbows
    > shriveled flaccid size
    > skin... maybe still looser than should be? But I'm also 4 years older now, so idfk. I might just be older at this point lol

    Anyways, that's basically my story. Hopefully that catches up some of you guys that have been DM'ing me over the past year or so and gives some of the rest of you some encouragement.
    I hope to see more progress in the future, and feel free to let me know any tips or tricks you guys have learned along the way below, because I still wish to recover fully someday.
    Last edited by Atticas; 07-01-2019 at 08:27 PM.

  2. #2
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Any plans? You could try a pro hormone cycle (R-Andro, AndroHard).

  3. #3
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Maxout777's Avatar
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    Welcome back man, glad to see life’s treating you well!

  4. #4
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 jacknap's Avatar
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    thanks reporting back was thinking of you the other day. I think my skins gotten looser too could also be puffiness from cortisol and age like you said too

    sounds like u made some big strides
    From rock bottom to rockstar, baby.

  5. #5
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Goat View Post
    Any plans? You could try a pro hormone cycle (R-Andro, AndroHard).
    Actually really been thinking about it man. Prohormones always kinda sketched me out and I’ve always been a fan of staying “natural”, but I also would really love to see some of the remaining side effects wear off, even if it was just fixing the dark circles under my eyes cuz MAN they have never quit since 4 years ago

    You guys think it’d be worth it? Maxouttt I remember you telling me you didn’t notice any extra hair loss when you took it and I hope that’d be the case for me too lol

  6. #6
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Maxout777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atticas View Post
    Actually really been thinking about it man. Prohormones always kinda sketched me out and I’ve always been a fan of staying “natural”, but I also would really love to see some of the remaining side effects wear off, even if it was just fixing the dark circles under my eyes cuz MAN they have never quit since 4 years ago

    You guys think it’d be worth it? Maxouttt I remember you telling me you didn’t notice any extra hair loss when you took it and I hope that’d be the case for me too lol
    I never had hair loss or MPB in the first place, so I would be a bad example to go off of. But yes, I didn’t experience any on cycle.

  7. #7
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 jacknap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atticas View Post
    Actually really been thinking about it man. Prohormones always kinda sketched me out and I’ve always been a fan of staying “natural”, but I also would really love to see some of the remaining side effects wear off, even if it was just fixing the dark circles under my eyes cuz MAN they have never quit since 4 years ago

    You guys think it’d be worth it? Maxouttt I remember you telling me you didn’t notice any extra hair loss when you took it and I hope that’d be the case for me too lol
    bro you're still on staying natural? prohormones are huge for recovery. I'd say like 25% of my recovery was from prohormones or more. they're really not that big of a deal if you do herbs for pct. I don't even get suppression from r-andro just 4 andro.
    From rock bottom to rockstar, baby.

  8. #8
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacknap View Post
    bro you're still on staying natural? prohormones are huge for recovery. I'd say like 25% of my recovery was from prohormones or more. they're really not that big of a deal if you do herbs for pct. I don't even get suppression from r-andro just 4 andro.
    25%?? Shit, another 25% might totally fix me lmao did you experience any negative side effects from the Andro yourself? Mood swings? Hair loss?

  9. #9
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 jacknap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atticas View Post
    25%?? Shit, another 25% might totally fix me lmao did you experience any negative side effects from the Andro yourself? Mood swings? Hair loss?
    I sometimes would get in a negative mood a bit. Didn't notice too much hair loss my hair loss is very subtle and slow. the positives outweighed the negatives for me. some ppl have had more negative experiences but imo just run the cycle like medicine
    From rock bottom to rockstar, baby.

  10. #10
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Atticas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacknap View Post
    I sometimes would get in a negative mood a bit. Didn't notice too much hair loss my hair loss is very subtle and slow. the positives outweighed the negatives for me. some ppl have had more negative experiences but imo just run the cycle like medicine
    Good shit! Alright, might have to look more into it then after next paycheck. You pretty close to 100% yourself?

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