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  1. #11
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Fuck awor the useless Swiss spastic who fucked off for five years whose as I've was routinely useless and who got Amerikan places to fucking take forever with the studies.

  2. #12
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    The funniest thing about Damon was Lazarus asking hik.why he took a SSRI

    Lazarus the man who hasn't had a hard On for a decade and found propecianhell help three years ago

  3. #13
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    Damon is so fucking stupid he thinks people called "cookie monsta" on reddit can give him insight into PFS. That's how fucking dumb this piece of shit gimp is

    - - - Updated - - -

    Fuck yank gimps

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DKnighten View Post
    You probably don't realize this, but you're providing extra motivation for me to get those extra hours of sleep, to take more walks in the sun, to focus on the diet a little more, so that one day i'll make a recovery post here. And you'll still be in the same fucking spot you are now. You are a textbook example of how NOT to go about shit if you get this condition. You've taken a niche and novel community of guys suffering from a rare and ill-understood condition, and for whatever reason you've completely alienated yourself from them by acting like a retard. You've single-handedly tried to spam and ruin the only forum on which there are natural recoveries from said condition.

    The worst part? you're in your 50s.
    You won't make a recover post you can't even he a hard on fo.fucks sake

    Start donating for your own good

  5. #15
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by DKnighten View Post
    You probably don't realize this, but you're providing extra motivation for me to get those extra hours of sleep, to take more walks in the sun, to focus on the diet a little more, so that one day i'll make a recovery post here. And you'll still be in the same fucking spot you are now. You are a textbook example of how NOT to go about shit if you get this condition. You've taken a niche and novel community of guys suffering from a rare and ill-understood condition, and for whatever reason you've completely alienated yourself from them by acting like a retard. You've single-handedly tried to spam and ruin the only forum on which there are natural recoveries from said condition.

    The worst part? you're in your 50s.
    The recoveries are bul!Shi T gimp

    Men with mild.fucking pfs

    I know proepcia hell is useless.for pointing people towards recovery but that doesn't excuse this shite

  6. #16
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    Mate I actually recovered for a few years so.must have have been doing something right.

  7. #17
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    Stupid yank shite fuckwit gimp Damon . Can't fucking stand the airhead cunt fucking CD nuts cookie monsta delusional gimp 5 years with PFS and thinks his chicken brain will figure it out

    fucking delusional yank gimp

  8. #18
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    Imagine this stupid yank shite laying in a field with his legs spread sunning his balls because CD nuts told him to. 5 years this cunt makes himself worse constantly and thinks eventually he'll recover. Delusional dumb cunt yanlk shite

  9. #19
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by DKnighten View Post
    You probably don't realize this, but you're providing extra motivation for me to get those extra hours of sleep, to take more walks in the sun, to focus on the diet a little more, so that one day i'll make a recovery post here. And you'll still be in the same fucking spot you are now. You are a textbook example of how NOT to go about shit if you get this condition. You've taken a niche and novel community of guys suffering from a rare and ill-understood condition, and for whatever reason you've completely alienated yourself from them by acting like a retard. You've single-handedly tried to spam and ruin the only forum on which there are natural recoveries from said condition.

    The worst part? you're in your 50s.
    Love this post!!!
    I feel exactly the same! He proves 100% the psychological theory as stated in the stickies by English. He’s just living evidence and like you say is all the motivation you need.
    Having said that he’s being a complete twat to any new sufferers who find this place.
    As regards to Cdsnuts, he’s a loving guy who for years has helped people like myself, giving them hope in their deepest distress and despair. I stumbled across TMO when I thought my life was fucked. Gladly I found some inner strength and hope and jumped on his protocol straight away. I’m glad to report I’m 100% recovered after 16 months and I owe everything to Cd and the other positive people on this forum and also paddy for proving the biggest battle is psychological.
    I’m meeting my girlfriend once again this weekend who I met during Pfs. We do our dating in London and I’m going to make sure she has the time of her life once again, like I always do. I’ve got my life back🥳
    All the best friend 👍

  10. #20
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Good for you but you have they never even given your story

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