When I raise my left arm (palm down) to do side lat raises I get sharp pain & loss of strength in side delt area. If I raise the arm with palm facing inward there is no pain. I found an on line questionnaire that points to tendonitis. The pain started after I started the MI 40 program that incorporates 4 sec negatives. I am trying a supplement called "Recovery" by Purica. 1 week in. Not much relief yet.
Nutricol (proprietary extracts of grape & green tea)
msm 1000mg
glucosamine 750mg
vit c 400 mg
betaine 200 mg magnesium 145 mg
hyaluronic acid 25 mg
in a base of organic hyperberry formula (blueberry ,blackberry, raspberry, cranberry)
-Is there other products that would help with inflammation & recovery of tendons?
-What would be good warm up exercises?