Quote Originally Posted by olddawg View Post
I think I've seen a lot of others who have said they like the once a day pre-bed dose. But what does like mean? I've tried 3x a day, tried pre bed, and couldn't really see shit over a 3-4 month period. In me, I couldn't really notice much. it was hard for me to distinguish what, if any, effect the peps had compared to the regular cardio, diet. I still have a bunch of ghrp2 and mod 1-29 sitting in the closet along with 2 boxes of slinpins. Not sure I'll ever use it up. For me personally, peps compared to real gh are like ph's compared to aas. Or, no supps compared to taking creatine. If I ever look to boost my gh again it will be with real gh not peps.
Interesting feedback. Thank you. From graphs I've seen, it would lead one to believe that the spike in GH from peptides is far higher and therefore more effective than GH itself.

Hoping to hear from Oryan on this subject, seeing as he's a fan of the peps.