This is why I wish we had the tagging action in these threads. I would've chimed in much quicker.

Either way... I'll give you a background on my pep usage. About 2 years ago I started messing around with them, and I fell in love ever since. I was on a 12 wk cycle of AHv2 solo run and right around the wk 3 mark I started the peps. I had already started leaning on the AH, but once I added in the peps I started stripping fat from my body. I was doing morning fasted cardio 3-4 times a week, and also lifting at lunch. At the end of that cycle I dropped 5% bf. I was eating extremely clean, no carbs for dinner, and hitting the peps 3xs/day. Morning, post lift, and pre-bed. After being on the peps for about 2 months at saturation doses 3xs/day I was getting numbing of the hands and carpal tunnel symptoms. I stopped using them for about 3 months. I was worried that I was fk in the way that I would never be able to use them again. So after about 3 months I gave it a go, but once again at the 3xs/day usage. I was getting leaning effects, mild anabolic effects, great sleep, great recovery (I kill it!)... But I started getting the numbing of the hands again within 2-3 wks. I stopped usage again, as I was worried about permanent damage.

At that point, I figured I needed to back up on the dosage if I ever wanted to continue using them. I stopped for another 3 months, and when I started back I just hit up saturation dosages at night only. From that point on, I never really got the carpal tunnel symptoms, just tingling of the hands ever once in a while; nothing bad at all.

From this, I have come to the conclusion that I get the same positive effects mentioned earlier with morning and pre-bed doses. I like my morning dose since it really helps me eat more. If I don't have my peps in the am, I have to fight to eat my bfast sometimes. I eat about 4500 calls per day, and I pretty much maintain a good 6 pack year round. This has a lot to do with how I eat and train, but the peps def help... I'm not really maximizing the leaning effects of them, but its def there if you use them properly. I did however put the peps to good use with the morning fasted cardio on the AHV2 solo run and I managed to drop 5% bf!!

I'll always use them in pct as they have great muscle sparing effects, plus all the other great factors. I'll never use hgh unless its given to me, so I'll never be able to compare the 2... But I'll def be taking peps on and off for the years to come. They're one of my staple sups.