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  1. #7
    Established Member Feedback Score 0
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    When you get to the gym and begin training, is your natural instinct to go heavy for 6 reps and under? Do you tend to seek out higher reps and go for a skin bursting pump?
    Depends on the exercise. If I have stalled on a given weight I may increase the weight/decrease reps to gain strength and hopefully lift more next time. But generally 6-12 range. This might be psychological but I feel fewer reps doesn't do the job. I like a good pump on chest and arms sometimes, but generally my weights are heavy enough that by rep 10 I am failing, and it's not super high volume so not pump-focused.

    Do you like to like to do your reps fast or slow?
    Controlled form. Usually try to lengthen the eccentric portion. The concentric can be explosive but not so much that the form gets terrible.

    Do you workout with very strict form, or do you cheat a bit... or a lot?
    Again, if going for an increase in weight or reps, some light cheating. but no "whole body curls" with ridiculous 45 degree backbends.

    Do you incorporate forced reps and/or negatives into your training regularly?
    never. no spotter and i find that squeezing out the last, painful rep leaves me sore enough that i wouldn't want to do negatives or forced reps. too much possibility for injury, too.

    Do you go more for the High Intensity training/Low sets or do you prefer doing a lot of sets?
    I like high sets. usually 3 or 4 exercises per bodypart, 4 sets per exercise. always super-setted with another antagonistic muscle.

    Do you pick out one or two movements per muscle group, or do you like to hit a muscle from 3,4, or more angles in a workout?
    usually 3 or 4 exercises per bodypart.

    Do you train with 2,3, or more minutes between sets or do you prefer to only wait 30-60 seconds?
    1.5-2 minutes is good for me, any shorter and I have to go too light, any longer and the workouts get too long and I cool down too much.
    Last edited by pman42; 05-18-2013 at 09:35 PM. Reason: edited for visual clarity; bold doesn't show up well. should have gone with DJM's format

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