today was the worldwide march against Monsanto. What do people think of this company and GMOs in general?

my own view, after reading and listening to the best articulated points of view from both sides, is somewhere in between. First of all, I don't buy the marketing spin that GMOs are going to feed the world's starving poor. this is about control of the supply chain, plain and simple. Monsanto wants to take control and push out the old product much like DuPont did when synthetic fabrics pushed out hemp. I recognize the need for higher yielding crops but I'm not so sure that GMOs are the solution. better would be biodynamic agriculture which rotates crops and has mixed crop/livestock on the same area so that all products go back into the system to re-enrich the soil and food. but i recognize that this is also probably not going to happen or might not be realistic on a global scale. I buy approximately 90% organic (I can go see the cows that are walking around with my steak in them) but I'm not a luddite. in fact, I think that as our population continues to grow, GMOs will become a viable option, perhaps the only option (the rest of the world is rushing to emulate north america's consumerist lifestyle with potentially calamitous results). but they shouldn't be delivered by companies with massive monopolies. it seems that science should be for the good of mankind but usually ends up being for the good of a company's bottom line. i also support genetic modification of people. as we get sicker and sicker as a species, we will need to selectively alter our genome to ensure continued survival. i see truly the worst examples of "natural" selection walking around, and too often these are the people who breed the most and will pass onto the next generation all the damage they have done to their bodies.

end of rant. i'll go back to lining my walls with tinfoil now