Heavy bench for tris but you can do some isolation exercises too.

As for lats, incline bench, bent over rows, seated rows but make sure you get the full range of motion in the excerise.

All in all it just takes time and patience. Personally, I find that for size you need to just concentrate on the compound exercises and make one or two of them the focus of the workout. I find that because compound exercises do so many groups they sort of self stabalise the muscle growth in those areas making sure no one group gets out of proportion to the rest as the weak muscle becomes the one which is hardest hit in the excerise. That's why I like them.

Those compound exercises are squats, flat bench, incline bench, decline bench, standing overhead press (great exercise) wide grip pull ups with weight. I know deads should come in there too but for me they really concern me about the risk of rupturing a disc or something really serious so I tend to do little dead lifting or if I do it I keep the weight low and manageable.

Assistance exercises aren't a waste of time but they are just that, assisstance. Don't be the guy who comes in and does 100 sets of bicep curls and goes home!!

Anyway that's my advice. I'm sure you'll get lots of other opinions!