TEST 250-500MG 12-16WKS
MASTERON 400-600MG 12-16WKS
***here we are adding masteron, a hardener, mild anti e, strength inducer, and killer for libido, all the while carrying minimal to no sides with regards to the aas landscape......anavar or tbol would be options recomp wise as well, but having already listed them, and avoiding orals if we are pinning, ontop of the great feedback this stack gets, i think its an excellent combo for a beginner who wants to maintain size while cutting some fat, all the while keeping strength too and a great sense of well being......masteron is tagged as a pre comp drug by supposed vets, however if the user has realistic expectations when using (meaning they dont expect to be shredded if they are 12-14%bf), and understands why they are using mast, they will be pleased


TEST 250MG WK 12-16WKS
MAST 600MG WK 12-16WKS
*** here the stack is indentical to the once above, however a lower test dose to minimize any chance of water retention, and going with the higher of the two suggested mast doses will provide a fat burning the recomp diet needs to be clean but no real lowering of calories due to the metabolic effects of aas, however in this example, and looking to drop serious fat, ones diet should be geared towards the goal of fatloss thus lowering of calories, pyramiding them, any carb loading depleting scheme ect, to put the body in a fat burning state.....again here i would not be against the addition of anavar, but beginner = simplicity in my eyes so two drugs max