Swole Source Mods- I'm posting this here with the best of intent. If it is not appropriate in this Forum, please feel free to delete, thank you!!

I'm very happily Beta-Testing the new "EPISTANE ANDRO RX" made by Iron Mag Labs.

I should first say thank you to Robert DiMaggio, PJ Braun and the rest of the IML/BL crew for giving me another product to test out.

I may sound redundant repeating a few things in this Log, compared to the Trenabol my previous Beta test, but I want to clarify for new viewers.

**I am not sponsored by or paid by IML/BL for doing this. I am sponsored by Prescription Nutrition @rxwhey.com** Best tasting and quality protein on the market IMO.

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My Background:
-20+ years of weight training experience
-17 years of competing
-Sponsored Athlete
-Lightweight Strongman Competitor
-Compete in Bodybuilding, Highland Games, Powerlifting and looking to go back into amateur Boxing/MMA possibly this year.
-Various 1st place awards, titles, 2 National records
-Employed by Worlds Strongest Man, America's Strongest Man, NAS, Europa etc as Judge/Event Coordinaator, etc..Have been working at WSM venues since 2008.
-Expert Personal and Strength Trainer (17 years)
-Online Supplement Store owner
-Mod/Site Admin/Site Director on several popular forums since 2001.

-I have been licensed in my State previous to Administer Medications (not prescribe) so I do have advanced understanding of pharmacology and endocrinology
-Post Grad Medical Training as well
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MY Stats (current)
2013 is my 17th year of competition, originally I was primarily a BBer.
5/7" 207lbs on 6/21/2013..will include a Before and After shot as well.
Bench Press: 440x1. 315x16 reps
Deadlift- 675 on olympic. 900 rack pull
Squat- 675 ATG, 405x20, 765x1 (PL Style w belt and wraps)
Front Squat- ATG- 500x2
Military Press- Dumbells 140lbs per hand x 10 reps
Clean- 315 (not olympic, full clean)
40yd dash (track spikes timed 3.9-4.1 timed)
vertical leap- 44" current

I have competed both Naturally and Un-naturally, and have broad experience with AAS/PH/HGH/PEDs

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Epi Andro

What this product is IN MY OPINION
Essentially a PreCursor to STANOLONE..aka DHT.

I have never used this product before, but I do know quite a bit about DHT

1st ingredient STANOLONE precursor aka DHT

-Has been used in the medical community and shown long term to have growth effects on the penis.
-Has been used to increase Male Libido, due to the increases in Erection quality
-Potentially believed to cause hair loss and acne as main side effects
-Is not believed to be liver toxic at all
-It is believed that increases in DHT causes potential enlargement of Prostate, but contradictory it is used to treat Prostate Enlargement in the medical community
-4x stronger then Tesosterone
-Used to eliminate and reduce GYNO..ie it does not convert to estrogen
-Believed to improve overall mood, muscle density, sexual health, strength

2nd ingredient in EPI ANDRO
6,7 dihydroxybergamottin

My understanding of this is it is essentially a grapefruit extract.

In lamens terms for those of you who do not know, taking certain medications and supplements with grapefruit juice has been "proven" to increase a products biovailability. This is not open for discussion, this is a well known fact. So including this product in my opinion is IML's attempt in making a more effective product in the fact that you will get a better absorption rate of it's primary ingredient, therefore making it much more potent. It is an ANABOLIC AMPLIFIER in my opinion.

3rd ingredient
(black pepper extract)
Think OC spray, aka super strong pepper spray
This is a nutrient and supplement uptake product. It is known to help at a rate of up to 60% improvment of aborption. Piperine is involved to increase the absorption of other nutrients in the body and has other novel applications as well - such as helping to fight colon cancer and having an anti-depressant effect while enhancing the cognitive functions of the brain. No known toxicity.

So basically, this is a DHT product with a strategic DELIVERY system built in.
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My beta test will start Monday June 24th.

In the meantime, I will be taking 1 pill, 2x per day with food and additional water to frontload.

Once my beta test starts I will be doing

4pills per day. Likely 2 in the am and 2 in the mid afternoon..I will try with food at first and then without and see what happens.

I will be posting regarding the following:
Muscle Hardness
Cardio Function
Overall Mood
Oily Skin
Changes in mood/temperment
Agression in the Gym

How this effects Sex
Sex Drive
Any sexually related issues
Night Sweats
Any conversion to gyno/pre-gyno
liver or kidney issues if they present themselves
Hair thinning
Hair Darkening
Hair growth

I will be doing a full scale breakdown of this product. Like my Trenabol beta test, IML and BL have given me free range to speak my mind. I will list and sides, positives, negatives. If this product is a POS I will say so. It this product is Pure Gold. I will say so. I am not paid to endorse this product in any way shape or form.

My understanding of this product, is from other users, they have compared it to Masteron, Anavar, Halo, Winny..etc...

I cannot say yet what this compares to if anything. But I will provide the best info I can to you guys. I will get pics/videos/befores and afters and updates.

Please feel free to ask any questions you want in regards to this product. I will do my best to answer any and all questions you may have.

I look forward to giving you guys a legit understanding of this product. Please support me by subscribing to my log and following me for the next 33 days