Quote Originally Posted by VayneZ View Post
5 seconds must've sucked all the air out of you! Sick bro.
Would you advise that method with dumbbell press also?
Thanx again VayneZ Believe it or not, I'm used to it and I am actually holding the weight a bit, it's not dead weight, which is much harder to do as well. For me I like these. I am all fast twitch fibers. So I am super fast and explosive but short term..So I do these to work on my static strength. I do recommend them to anyone with my particular bodytype. They certainly help overall strength IMO Thanks again for checking out my log!!!

Day 7/8 of Beta Test:

Had the opportunity to train out of town at World Gym on my way to Europa. Nice changeup. I find changing gyms from time to time is motivational and allows me to hit new PR's.

Europa was overall a good turnout. A few of our guys competed in physique and placed 1st-4th respectively in their classes. We had 4 guys in one class, and they took 1,2,3,4th... pretty cool.

Branch Warren and some other pro's were guest posers and looked enormous as always.

Let me first list my workout:

Super Wide Grip Incline Bench
(caution this is dangerous for your pec if you do not do these normally)

Moved on to Incline Dumbells (weights listed per hand)
110x10 pause reps and one arm at a time

Traps (45lb plate) my variation, 10 second pauses at top

Clean and Press
225x4..just working on form

One arm powersnatch
135x a bunch of singles

Did some heavy carries and runs prior to the workout with varying weights (strongman events training) won't list them

Hit some weighted abs/cardio and called it a day...Short session but good session.


Strength- Improving day by day
Energy- Improved during workout
Muscle Hardness- Excellent. Improving day by day.
Size- No size gains or loss.
Endurance- Slightly improved, but I have increased my cardio,so likely that is the reason.
Cardio Function- Again, improved as I have increased Cardio.
Vascularity- Improved for sure, striations are showing already
Aggression- Noticed it a little at first, but none at all now.
Anger- NONE
Depression- NONE
Overall Mood- Good mood, I feel good as I am excited to see my physique improving.
Acne- one or two here and there
Oily Skin- Noticeable. Especially on my face. My skin is very oily now, which might be why some people notice increases in acne.
Changes in mood/temperment- None
Agression in the Gym- Improved for sure
How this effects Sex- More sensitive and more erections during the day
Sex Drive- Slightly improved
Any sexually related issues- Nothing negative
Nightmares- yes I have noticed a few since i started, kind of like tren
Night Sweats- NONE
Any conversion to gyno/pre-gyno- NONE
liver or kidney issues if they present themselves- None that I am aware of. Urine is not dark, not back pains, nothing on the surface.
Hair thinning- Have not noticed this.
Hair Darkening- Yes my facial hair is darker
Hair growth- Facial and Chest. I am shaving more often this week.
Sleep Issues- I have been waking up exhausted every day. I do believe it is the supplement. I have been waking up a few times in my sleep. But the a.m lethargy sucks. I feel like I can sleep all day. Once I am up I am good to go. But I have even taken a nap late in the day 2-3x this week and I do believe the product is behind this.
Blood Pressure- No changes so far. I am very sensitive to increases in BP, so this is a good sign that it has not changed.
Sweating- Tremendously increased.

My Overall Thoughts so Far???

Honestly, I ******* love this product!!!! I look amazing a week in. I have worked my ass off. I have been more motivated. I have stepped up cardio and abs and I do believe that when my 30 day pictures come out, people will think it's photoshopped, I could take a pic today and show a clear change already.

I will not hesitate to say already this product reminds me of Masteron in many ways.

My vascularity/striations and muscle hardness are very much improved. I see most of the changes in my midsection. But all my muscles are more firm and I'm like a statue, just rock solid.

This product is certainly a Bodybuilder's item. I do not see it being a huge muscle "producer" but if you have any existing muscle it is going to tighten it down, harden it up and reveal itself to you.

It is early to say this, but this is my interpretation, though we will see if I have any mass gains.

I started at 207lbs...I am 205lbs today, but much more shredded.

My last 3 workouts, especially yesterday I could literally wring out my entire outfit. It is certainly kicking in and I am sweating a storm.

Sexually it has the added benefit of increased erections and sensitivity. I would say sex is actually better on this, kind of like proviron.

Overall I am very very happy. This has very MILD side effects so far. Most obvious is my skin is more oily and I feel exhausted in the am. I may take ECA or Angel Dust by BL to fix this issue though.

Very Happy!!! Rarely will you see me talk up a product this early..but I have to say I am a fan..Excited for the remaining weeks to see what will happen!!!