Quote Originally Posted by Macdon1588 View Post
The "blame Bush game" is a worn out game, but it is an excellent example of my point. People blame Bush for a variety of things. Some of which I agree with such as the war in Iraq is unjustified. However, the most damaging things to this country started long before Bush.

When you study the housing crisis in depth for example, you'll find that the banks that caused the crisis where empowered to do so in the Clinton administration by a BIPARTISAN effort that overturned bank regulation that had been in place since the Great Depression. It was sold to the American public by telling people that every American deserved to own their own home. Remember how awesome that sounded? There was also Free Trade which has pitted American Labor against the slave labor of the third world. I don't have time to go into that.

The current administration has merely expanded upon all of initiatives of the previous one. I know that's a hard pill to swallow, but from bailing out the mega banks to continuing the war, the circus has remained the same only the clowns have changed. If you doubt me, just read up on the NSA program. It is an Obama expansion of a Bush patriot program put in place because the sheep in this country BEGGED for more false security from the boogie man of terrorism. That terrorism that is most likely caused by our continual forays into shitty foreign policy that is in practice little more than corporate colonialism. (See Halliburton areas of operation and you'll see what I mean.)
oh, i dont disagree that the current administration is very similar to the previous one. like i said, i find it very disappointing. i also don't think everything wrong now is bush's fault, but i can't agree that bush has no blame and that the impact of his "missteps" will be felt for a long time. i feel he is mostly responsible for the current anti-american feeling that takes place throughout the world.

on the "unjustified" iraq war: if a nation with a history of conflict, let's say, congo attacks another nation with a history of conflict, let's say angola, using as justification that angola has WMDs and during the war goes "oops, sorry guys, my bad, but hey, we didnt like the angolan leader anyway cuz we kinda thought he was a dictator", the congolese president and members of his administration would be promptly tried as war criminals. now add to all that, that the US is a UN member and can't go to war without UN approval.

bush literally escaped the hangman because of american power and the UN's cowardice to bring illegal war charges against bush, cheney, rumsfeld, rove and a number of the rats in that administration.