Like a lot of others, I miss my AH. I never really felt the same effect from any of the epiandrosterone supps out there either, even dosing it up at 1200 mg and higher. The stuff Eric mixed with it surely helped absorption.

So I've been putzing around with busting open 200 mg Stanozane caps and mixing it into a paste with various things then trying to hold it under my tongue for at least 5 min. I've tried grapefruit juice, olive oil and a mix of the two. Just tonight I got some grapefruit peel oil in the mail and tried it with that. It tasted nasty, but this was one of the key ingredients in AH so it's worth a shot.

My logic here is that there's better absorption sublingually and whatever doesn't absorb there ends up in the gut anyway.

I saw on some posts elsewhere that there was interest in dissolving the epi powder into a transdermal carrier but didn't ever see anybody try it. I'm already convinced it works better under the tongue than just swallowing the cap whole, but before you ask, no I didn't get bloods to verify anything.

Any ideas on improving absorption during this dry spell?