HTS was nice enough to hook me up with a bag of Celtic Labs "I want me Gold," so big thanks to him. This was to be my first experience with Kratom. After some research, I picked up a few samples from another vendor since there's so many strains to choose from.

Celtic IWMG: This is an Ultra Enhanced Indo(UEI) product in 250mg caps. UEI is as the name suggests; enhanced. The average dose seemed to be about 1-1.5g. I took 1g my first try and noticed little effect. A slight tingle and lightness in my legs but not much else. Next night dosed the last of of the bag(3g). I went on an empty stomach and even emptied about 4 of the caps and toss and washed them(to take the caps being the issue out of the equation). Again I only got a slight tingle and lightness in my legs. More pronounced this time but not much more. On later research I found this lack of effectiveness to be the common consensus on PHF. It seems Celtic didn't get e exact Kratom strain they wanted from their supplier, and this issue was recently corrected. I will have to try and get my hands on some of the new supply and give it a second try before dismissing the product. I really liked the caps and UEI is meant to be the strongest.

Plantation Thai: I got a sample with 10g powder. Thai is supposed to be a more energetic strain of Kratom. Average dose
f powders for someone without an opiate tollerance seemed to be between 3-5g. I split the sample into two even piles and toss and washed one. Again on an empty stomach. I then went to see Jim Brewer at the local theater. No bad seats in the place and he did all new material. I felt the sample in about 15 minutes. Mild euphoria came on quick. An hour in and the euphoria was more pronounced and relaxation was like a nice summer day. I got up to use the bathroom and durring the walk noticed my perception was off. Colors were a bit more pronounced, and the feel was like the body warmth of being drunk/buzzed, or a slight body high from good ol' marijuana without the head high. Jim brewer killed the show to say the least. The effects lasted about an hour after peeking an hour in, and then am after glow lasted another hour and a half or so. Total duration 2.5 hours. I later took the second 5 grams a few days later while home. Same effects, but found it turned me into a chatty Cathy. My sister who moved out for Tue summer stopped home, and while I normally would say hi and bye, I chewed her ear off playing catch up. Eating around the 1 hour mark seemed to enhance the peek high as well, and when taken late at night, real tired after a long day of work, I found myself coming in and out of conciousness with real difficulty opening my eyes. I'd imagine this is what opiate users refer to as the "nod."

Red and white vain Mang Da Kratom: Mang Da seems to be looked at as a stronger/better strain. White is meant to be more energetic while red is supposed to be more euphoric and relaxing. Samples were a few dollars more then the Thai. I found very little difference between the two types and less pronounced effects than the Thai kratom. The red vain did seem to last longer than the others I tried though. Eating after the initial come up again enhanced effects, and as always everything was dosed on an empty stomach.

Kratom combinations reviews coming soon...