After much studying and reading, I've finally gave the finger and 'F You" to prohormones and taking the leap into the deep end. So, here I am, laying my cycle out for your opinions, for better or worse, and guidance. Let's go.....

Week 1-14 Test E @ 500mg/week (2pins, 250mg each, Mondays and Thursdays)
Week 1-4 Dbol @ 40mgs (split throughout the day, with a dose 40minutes-hour before workout)
Week 1-14 Exemestane (Skyward!!) 12.5 EOD
week 1-14 HCG @ 500iu/week (250iu, 2 times a week, probably Monday and Thursday as well)

2 weeks before through week Cycle will be various support supps for BP, liver, etc, etc....

PCT will be:

Torem(Skyward!!) 120/90/60/30 (open for debate)
Osta(Skyward) 10mgs I'm sure this will spark some debate as well, but from all I've seen, this dose is low enough to help but not suppress. for debate!

I'm going to eat like a sad horse that eats it's feelings while trying to keep it clean as I can. We are going into fall/winter, so an all out bulk is in order, imo. I'm looking at my 1st pin(EVER!!!) in a week or perhaps 2. I just want to get this up and out there so I will be ready to go, no doubt. I'm fucking ready to do this!