Keep the suggestions coming. I'm going to be trying all kinds of stuff in the coming weeks to try to nail this thing down. I started with a pretty moderate case of reflux after lunch today. I took a couple of mastic gum capsules hoping that would calm it down. It really didn't. I could feel a lot of my undigested lunch coming back up the pipes.

As soon as I got home I took a couple more digestive enzymes and some ginger. It actually helped quite a bit. Things have calmed down since then, luckily.

And thanks for the reminder, Rodja. I'll go out and get some Bragg's Organic cider vinegar and see how that does me.

I have some acupuncture treatments "in the bank" with a local MD. I might ask him if there's anything it can do for me. Thank you for weighing in, everyone. I really appreciate it. This will be a fairly big ordeal and I'm hoping like hell this is my answer to get off these damn PPIs.