
I've made reference to my frequent heartburn problem before. For those who are unaware, I've had frequent heartburn/GERD since I was a teen-ager. I've been on proton-pump inhibitor drugs since they first became mainstream.

I've taken them every day despite knowing they aren't good for me. I always knew that they came with a risk of decreased calcium absorption, and that there's even a risk that they can INCREASE your chance of esophageal cancer when taken long term, but it wasn't until another board member pointed out to me the detriment they create for male body chemistry.

It was said to me last week that PPI drugs and acid reducers are anti-androgen and perhaps even estrogenic. That scared me enough to research it further, and I discovered that there is ample evidence to support that claim.

When it comes to my manhood, I don't play around. Nothing will motivate me to fix something faster than if you suggest to me it can mess up my sexual prowess.

Four and a half years ago, I quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey after a 14-year addiction when I had a coughing fit in the middle of sex that caused me not to be able to finish. This situation isn't much different.

I found some relief from breakthrough symptoms recently by removing dairy and wheat from my diet, but I hadn't cut the cord completely on the Prilosec, and I have times when I can't stick to that diet long-term.

Bottom line is that I'm not willing to risk my testosterone and sexual function for this drug any longer.

This article, written by an MD, provided the guidelines on how to use mastic gum, DGL, enzymes and d-limonene to fix frequent heartburn. I'm following it faithfully thus far:

Eliminating Chronic Acid Reflux And Indigestion: from an ongoing series by Dr Jacob Teitelbaum MD

I started the Heartburn Free (ROH10/1,000mg d-limonene) last week while still on Prilosec, hoping to avoid the initial reflux aggravation. Yesterday I started the mastic gum 1,000mg twice daily and the DGL, with enzymes after each meal.

I did OK yesterday. I had some mild heartburn/reflux after breakfast that subsided within an hour. I did OK until after dinner. I got a little reflux at bedtime, but a couple of mastic gum capsules and another DGL calmed it right down.

Today I attempted coffee in the morning, but I don't think my stomach is up for it yet, sans acid reducer. I had some heartburn from the coffee. It went away with my second DGL lozenge. The ROH10 has caused some mild reflux, which I fully expected.

This will not be fixed in a matter of days. I understand that. It is going to be a major undertaking to overcome the rebound acid production. My pumps have been suppressed for over a decade. I fully expect to be dedicated to treating this naturally over the next two months.

I will provide some periodic updates. In the meantime, if anyone else wants to chime in with advice or suggestions, I'm all ears. Surely I'm not the only one on this board with frequent heartburn.