Ok, so I tried the Activ-8 today. Put it on right after my morning shower so first thing in the AM. Didn't notice much all day. Tonight I took the kids to Chick-fil-a and after we ate we went into the play area. Two empty benches for the adults to sit on inside the play area. I sat down on one while the kids went to play. No one else was in the play area so both benches were free and open. A 39 year old mom with two kids walks in to play as well. I am on my phone using tapatalk and not paying attention at all. The mom sits down on the 2nd empty bench, stands up about 20 seconds later, walks over to the bench I was sitting on and sits down right next to me. I continued to focus on tapatalk. Because I am married w/ kids I am a complete moron when it comes to other women. Meaning I don't pay much attention outside of the obvious once over. Still buried in my phone she strikes up a conversation. I continue to look at my phone while half-ass talking. Eventually I put the phone down and she chatted my ear off.

Because I had applied the Activ-8 in the morning I thought for sure there was no chance this could have been a hit. Yes, this could just be her wanting to chat but found it strange that she sat down on the empty bench, stood back up, and then sat down right next to me. I sure as shit wouldn't do that if I had walked in 2nd. Anyway, jury is still out for me but this really caught my attention.

Does this stuff last all day? The scent seemed to be pretty much gone at this point but I am curious to know if the the affects were still kick'n?