Unfortunately, I am now out. I have been struggling with illness since shortly after the contest began. Totally Lost 4 weeks in dec and Jan, and had to start again. But never really got any altitude. Turns out i had a bad case of deep bronchitis from mid-february. It became very "productive" from the end of the month through march. Finally went to the doc and got a fistful of meds, which cleared up most of the sputum as of last week. But yesterday i had a - thankfully brief - episode of respiratory failure. Am now hospitalized for oxygenization and deep inhalation therapy. They think i still have a large number of small masses of toxin-laden sand buried in lungs - 20 years worth of breathing the Spring yellow dust that comes out of the Gobi, picks up all the toxins from china's unscrubbed smokestacks and gets dumped in Korea and Japan. The plan is to infuse my lungs with heavy does of medicated moisture to loosen the shit up and then do intense aerobic exercise to get my body to bring it up and expel it. Sounds like fun.

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