SO. For the past several months I've been doing intermittent fasting. I never eat in the mornings. I usually train fasted. On my days off from the gym (rare) my first meal will be tuna mixed with MCT and it's usually very late in the day.

Now I just made bulletproof coffee today. It was delicious and my energy is insane. I do stims a lot in the morning to keep me going but the combo of coffee+MCT is really kicking it for me.

For staying lean... what do you guys think is best? High fat intake + Coffee + MCT or fasting+stims?

I actually think it might be better to do high fat in the mornings... I recently read a study showing that high fat in the morning makes your body better able to handle carbs later in the day.

I also hate society's idea of a "balanced" meal but I'm willing to listen if you think carbs are good in the morning. The ketones from MCT are fueling my brain and from what I understand, it's healthier than glucose as an energy source.

I still eat carbs, but only after my workouts.