This shit is getting out of hand simple and plain.

They are all the same thing.

Stano Elite, Stanozane, and Stano-200 etc, are all clones of stanodrol by CEL.
They are all epiandrosterone, without anything else in them.
The average minimum dose is 600mg, but should be run at 800-1200mg IMO. Very poor bioavailability.

Androhard was Epiandro with a delivery system and around the average dosing. As the versions proegressed the MG dosage went from 500mg, to 1200mg, the delivery system improved and eventually both Isomers(epiandro, androsterone) were used.

EpiandroRX, is underdosed at 25mg per a serving of epiandrosterone but with a delivery system. How Mich that delivery system increases bioavailability is anyone's guess. LG tried this with their sublingual Epiandro and it didn't prove to well.

The story goes on but its all the same. Epiandro=Epiandro anyway you look at it. Just depends how you want to take it. Ultimately Androhard should always prove best, as its high mg dosage+delivery system.